History of Oceania

How do you get dwarfhold class in aqworlds?

To get the Dwarfhold Class in AdventureQuest Worlds:

1. Complete the Dwarfhold Series:

Play through the Dwarfhold storyline quests in the following order:

- Dragon's Grasp (located in Battleon)

- The Mountaintop (accessed through Dragon's Grasp)

- Deep Into The Mountain (accessed from The Mountaintop)

- To The Throne (accessed from Deep Into The Mountain)

- The Anvil (accessed from To The Throne)

2. Defeat "Voltabolt the Terrible":

- After completing all the Dwarfhold questlines, a boss named "Voltabolt the Terrible" will appear.

- Defeating this boss will reward you with the Dwarfhold class.

3. Class Skill:

- Once you obtain the Dwarfhold class, you will receive a new class skill and passive abilities associated with the class.

4. Upgrading the Dwarfhold Class:

- As you level up and gain experience, you can enhance the Dwarfhold class by investing Class Points into the class skill to improve its effectiveness.

Remember, acquiring the Dwarfhold class may require you to be a member or have access to certain areas and quests, so make sure to fulfill those prerequisites as well.