* Russia: The Russian Empire was expanding eastward during this time, and its explorers were focused on exploring Siberia and the Far East.
* China: The Ming Dynasty ruled China during this time, and it was a highly isolationist society. The Chinese were not interested in exploring the outside world, and they did not send any explorers to the New World.
* Japan: Like China, Japan was also a highly isolationist society during this time. The Japanese were not interested in exploring the outside world, and they did not send any explorers to the New World.
* India: India was ruled by the Mughal Empire during this time, and it was also a highly isolationist society. The Mughals were not interested in exploring the outside world, and they did not send any explorers to the New World.
* Africa: Africa was not a unified political entity during this time, and it was divided into many different kingdoms and tribes. Most African kingdoms and tribes were not interested in exploring the outside world, and they did not send any explorers to the New World.