* Identified structural inequalities inherent in capitalism.
* Proposed a labor theory of value, emphasizing the exploitation of workers.
* Envisioned a classless, stateless society as an alternative (communism).
2. Class consciousness and labor unionization:
* Emphasized the significance of workers uniting and understanding their collective strength.
* Supported the organization of labor unions to fight for workers' rights, improved working conditions, and fair wages.
3. Critique of colonialism and imperialism:
* Criticized imperialism as the highest stage of capitalism.
* Viewed imperialism as exploiting colonized people and creating global inequities.
* Proposed international solidarity among workers transcending national and colonial boundaries.
4. Revolution and class struggle:
* Believed revolutionary action and class struggle were necessary to overcome the social, political, and economic contradictions of capitalism.
* Proposed a transition from capitalism to socialism before reaching the ultimate goal of a communist society where the means of production were communally owned.