History of North America

From which countries did most miners come from?

Most miners during the California Gold Rush came from the following countries:

1. United States: The majority of miners during the Gold Rush were citizens of the United States, primarily from the eastern states. They were drawn to California by the promise of wealth and opportunity.

2. Mexico: Many miners also came from Mexico, especially from the northern states of Sonora and Chihuahua. They were often experienced miners and familiar with the conditions in California.

3. China: A significant number of miners came from China, particularly from the Guangdong and Fujian provinces. They often worked in groups and brought their own mining techniques and equipment.

4. Australia: Some miners came from Australia, especially those who had experience with gold mining in the Australian gold rushes.

5. Other Countries: Smaller groups of miners came from various other countries, including Ireland, Germany, France, Italy, and England.

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