History of North America

Define tyranny as you believe an 18th century American might have?

In the 18th century, many Americans lived under the British colonial rule and experienced firsthand the consequences of oppressive measures imposed by the crown. Therefore, they developed a profound understanding of tyranny. As an 18th-century American, I would define tyranny as an unjust and authoritarian exercise of power, especially by a government or ruler, that disregards individual rights and liberties. It encompasses absolute control, oppression, and arbitrary treatment of citizens without regard for their well-being, consent, or the law. Tyrants act arbitrarily, using fear and intimidation to silence dissent and prevent opposition. Tyrannical governments disregard natural rights such as life, liberty, and property, thereby limiting people's autonomy and personal freedoms. As Americans who hold dear the principles of self-governance, the absence of tyranny was fundamental to establishing our independent nation.