* The Atlantic Ocean to the east
* The Pacific Ocean to the west
* The Gulf of Mexico to the south
* The Atlantic Ocean to the east
* The Pacific Ocean to the west
* The Gulf of Mexico to the south
It was Herbert Hoover, the 31st President of the United States, who confused not only the United States but also the world because he showed a state-free attitude called the Hoover Moratorium against the Great Depression. The aftermath of the World War II is not temporary, but it has strengthened
The American Revolution , Bernard Cottret, 2003 A few days before the opening of the French States General of 1789, Rhode Island adopted the Constitution of the newly formed United States of America. It is the last of the thirteen original states to accept the constitutional text which still governs
Unlike Japan, the United States has a federal system, and each state is like a country, which is organized by the federal government and the president of the United States. The power of the President of the United States is enormous, and he has a veto to Congress, called Veto, and can even use nuc
Tonight, a long excerpt from Antoine Coppolanis excellent biography, Richard Nixon , published by Éditions Fayard in October. I had already reviewed a good book on Nixon, by Romain Huret (https://brumes.wordpress.com/2010/01/13/de-quoi-nixon-est-il-le-nom/). Coppolanis massive work (a biography that