One of the main reasons the colonists left England was because they did not agree with the King having all the power.
One of the main reasons the colonists left England was because they did not agree with the King having all the power.
With the surrender of Japan in World War II, the Korean peninsula, occupied by the Japanese since 1910, was divided at the 38th Parallel:the north occupied by the Soviets and the south by the Americans. The prevailing tension exploded when North Korean troops invaded South Korea on June 25, 1950. Th
At the Republican National Convention held in Miami on August 5, 1968, Richard Nixon he was elected candidate for the presidency of the Republican Party after defeating Nelson Rockefeller and Ronald Reagan. For its part, the Democratic Party, after the refusal of the president in office Lyndon B. Jo
The Inca culture it is the result of the fusion of the customs of several Andean civilizations. Many peoples settled in a territory between the Andes mountain range and the Pacific Ocean and remained isolated due to geographical conditions. However, they had domesticated cotton, used ceramics, as
Donald Trumps inauguration as President of the United States is the greatest tragedy and greatest comedy in American history. Donald Trump until becoming president Donald Trump was born in New York in 1946. His father was Fredrick Trumps son Fred Trump, who emigrated to the United States from