- Missouri
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- Missouri
- Alabama
- Arkansas
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- Florida
- Georgia
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Maryland
- Mississippi
- North Carolina
- South Carolina
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Virginia
I think Im a big world history enthusiast, but I first learned the name Martin Van Buren when I wrote this blog. It seems that the era from the American Revolutionary War to the Civil War is called the Jackson era, but the president from Jackson to Lincoln actually has little achievement to say th
The so-called Missile Crisis in Cuba was a conflict between the United States, the Soviet Union and Cuba in October 1962, generated as a result of the discovery by the United States of Soviet nuclear missile bases in Cuban territory. For 4 days, Kennedy secretly met with his advisers to make a decis
Personally, when I hear this name, I can only remember the word inappropriate relationship. Bill Clinton before becoming president Bill Clinton was born in Arkansas in 1946. Bill is his nickname, like William Jefferson Clinton, Jimmy Carters real name. He is actually the first president born
Truman is famous in Japan for dropping nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but in reality his duties are widespread. Harry S. Truman before becoming president Truman was born and raised in Missouri in 1886, and after graduating from a local high school he got a job at a bank. Truman is the