History of North America

What crops did the Pennsylvania colony grow?

Field Crops:

* Wheat: Pennsylvania's most crucial crop was wheat, used for making flour and bread. It was grown extensively throughout the colony, particularly in the fertile valleys and rolling hills of the southeastern region.

* Corn (Maize): Corn was another vital crop for the colony, providing sustenance for both humans and livestock. It was often used to make cornmeal, hominy, and cornbread.

* Barley: Barley was cultivated for brewing beer, a popular beverage in the colony.

* Oats: Oats were grown for animal feed and sometimes for making oatmeal.

* Rye: Rye was grown as a cover crop and for animal feed, and it was sometimes used to make flour for bread.

Fruits and Vegetables:

* Apples: Apples were one of the most important fruits grown in the colony. They were used fresh, dried, or made into cider.

* Peaches: Peaches were another popular fruit, and they were used fresh or preserved for later consumption.

* Pears: Pears were grown in Pennsylvania and used fresh or cooked.

* Cherries: Cherries were grown and used fresh or made into jams and preserves.

* Vegetables: A variety of vegetables were grown, including cabbages, turnips, carrots, onions, and beans.

Other Crops:

* Hemp: Hemp was cultivated for its fibers, used to make ropes, textiles, and clothing.

* Flax: Flax was grown for its fibers, used to make linen.

* Tobacco: Tobacco was grown in some parts of the colony, but it was not as significant as in other Southern colonies.