- Virginia
- Arkansas
- Tennessee
- North Carolina
- Virginia
- Arkansas
- Tennessee
- North Carolina
The Paraguay , whose official name is the Republic of Paraguay, is a country located in South America. Along with Bolivia, it is one of the two countries on the continent that does not have an outlet to the sea. It borders Argentina, Bolivia and Brazil. Paraná and Mato Grosso do Sul are Brazilian
Donald Trumps inauguration as President of the United States is the greatest tragedy and greatest comedy in American history. Donald Trump until becoming president Donald Trump was born in New York in 1946. His father was Fredrick Trumps son Fred Trump, who emigrated to the United States from
Lincoln and Kennedy are said to have many things in common, but perhaps the strangest sign was that they were assassinated during his term and that his Vice President was named Johnson. What kind of person was Andrew Johnson, who became president after Lincolns death? President from the South
The American Revolution , Bernard Cottret, 2003 A few days before the opening of the French States General of 1789, Rhode Island adopted the Constitution of the newly formed United States of America. It is the last of the thirteen original states to accept the constitutional text which still governs