Through this article, we are going to tell you about the History in Hindi – Republic in Turkey.
World War I
Republic in Turkey
Q. Who is called the patient of Europe?
Ans. To Turkey
Q. Who gave the slogan of Pan Islamism?
Ans. Abdul Hameed-II
Q. Who started the Young Turk movement during whose reign?
Ans. Abdul Hamid-II in 1908 AD
Q. Which treaty was made with Turkey after the First World War?
Ans. Treaty of Apple in August 10, 1920 AD
Q. Who refused to celebrate the Treaty of Apples?
Ans. Mustafa Kamal Pasha
Q. Who is considered the creator of modern Turkey?
Ans. Mustafa Kamal Pasha
Q. What other names is Kamal Pasha also known by?
Ans. Ataturk (father of Turkey)
Q. Where was Mustafa Kamal Pasha born?
Ans. In Selenica in 1891 AD
Q. When was Unity and Progress in Turkey formed?
Ans. In 1889 AD
Q. In which war did Kamal Pasha achieve great success as a general?
Ans. In Gallipot war
Q. When did Kamal Pasha resign from the military post?
Ans. In 1919 AD
Q. Who presided over the first session of the All Turk Congress?
Ans. Mustafa Kamal Pasha in 1919 AD
Q. Between whom was the Treaty of Lojan signed?
Ans. Between Turkey and Greece in 1923 AD
Q. When was the Republic of Turkey declared?
Ans. October 23, 1923 AD
Q. Who abolished the caliphate in Turkey?
Ans. On March 3, 1929, Kamal Pasha
Q. When was the new constitution announced in Turkey?
Ans. April 20, 1924 in AD
Q. Who was the President of the new Republic of Turkey?
Ans. Mustafa Kamal Pasha
Q. Who was the founder of the Republican People's Party?
Ans. Mustafa Kamal Pasha
Q. Who founded the Turkish Language Council?
Ans. Kamal Pasha in 1932 AD
Q. When was the first five year plan implemented in Turkey?
Ans. In 1933 AD
Q. When was Turkey declared a secular state?
Ans. In 1924 AD
Q. Who founded the Medical College in Istanbul?
Ans. Kamal Pasha
Q. What was the old name of Istanbul?
Ans. Kustuntuniya
Q. When was a legal ban imposed in Turkey on men wearing a cap and women wearing a burqa?
Ans. On November 25, 1925
Q. When did Kamal Pasha die?
Ans. In 1938 AD
Today in this article we have told you History in Hindi – Republic in Turkey, the patient of Asia, who is called the patient of Asia, which country was considered the sick man of Europe, If you want any other information related to this, then you can ask by commenting in the comment box.