History of Asia

Some questions related to Sikandar

Today, through this article, we will give you some questions related to Indian History in Hindi – Alexander Telling about.

Indian History in Hindi – Mahajanapada Period

Some questions related to Alexander

name Alexander III
nickname Alexander
father Philip II
Stepmother Cleoptera
20 July 356 BC
Place of Birth
in paella
Names of teachers
The Stern Leonidas of Epirus, Lysimex, Aristotle
Alexander was a good horseman and warrior since childhood
Interested in Mathematics, Science and Philosophy
name of horse
Living Countries
Athens, Asia Minor, Palestine and the whole of Persia and the then India up to the Indus
13 June 323 BC
Cause of Death Malaria
Place of Death
Alexander fought many wars and won countries as a king, but on his father's second marriage, he had a dispute with his father and his stepmother's uncle in the royal court.

Q. When was Alexander born?

Ans. 356 BC

Q. Who was Alexander's father?

Ans. Philip, the ruler of Macedonian

Q. When did Philip Mac become the ruler of the world?

Ans. 359 BC

Q. When was Philip murdered?

Ans. 329 BC

Q. Whose disciple was Alexander?

Ans. Aristotle

Q. When did Alexander start the campaign of India-conquest?

Ans. 326 BC

Q. Who was the commander of Alexander?

Ans. Seleucus Nicator

Q. With which ruler of Punjab did Alexander have to fight?

Ans. With Porus

Q. Which battle is also known as the Battle of Hyde-Spij or the Battle of Jhelum (Vitasta)?

Ans. Alexander - Battle of Porus

Q. Which river did Alexander's army refuse to cross?

Ans. To Beas River

Q. When did Alexander return from India?

Ans. 325 BC

Q. When did Sikandar die?

Ans. 323 BC in Babylon

Q. Who was Alexander's commander?

Ans. Nearcus

Today in this article, we have given you some questions related to Indian History in Hindi - Alexander's death, Alexander's invasion of India, when did Alexander attack India, Alexander's religion, effect of Alexander's invasion on India, Religion of Alexander the Great, Who was Alexander, Alexander the Great husband and wife , if you need any other information related to this, then you can ask by commenting in the comment section.