Historical story

Why should you put more trust in account of events rather the than someone else who was outside at time?

* Eyewitness accounts can be influenced by a number of factors, including:

* Perception: What someone sees and remembers can be affected by their own biases, expectations, and attention.

* Memory: Eyewitness accounts can be distorted or forgotten over time.

* Communication: Eyewitnesses may have difficulty accurately describing what they saw.

* On the other hand, accounts of events that are recorded in writing or on video are less likely to be influenced by these factors.

* Written and video records:

- provide a more objective and accurate record of events.

- Are less likely to be distorted or forgotten over time.

* For these reasons, it is generally more reliable to put more trust in accounts of events that are recorded in writing or on video than in eyewitness accounts.