Retro style bathtub
For centuries the tub for washing it was made up of a simple tub made of sheet metal enameled or lacquered which was used above all by women, since men considered it something effeminate.
The bathtub similar to the one we know today, called “general bathroom” , involved a massive use of water, essential to fill it, which is why for a long time it constituted a sort of luxury object that only a few could afford.
Starting from 1850 it was equipped with an ingenious yet dangerous gas heating system , consisting of flames that were located just below the tank itself; domestic accidents caused by this "comfort" were not few.
At the beginning of the 1900s there was a sudden change in habits regarding personal hygiene, which became decidedly more assiduous and profound not only for cultural reasons, but above all because of the innovations that were made in the field and that made it easier for everyone.
The first and most important of all was the arrival of running water in homes, which led, among other things, to a greater diffusion of bathtubs, which since then became a fixed part of the furniture of the room dedicated to them together with the sink, the bidet and to the water, just as it still happens today.