Mummy of the Egyptian pharaoh Ramses II
Without the appropriate knowledge and the related means to address and resolve diseases, it is no wonder that the prescriptions of medicine more ancient appear today rather bizarre and decidedly not very credible (here you will find some examples:https://www.pilloledistoria.it/8681/medioevo/medicina-medievale-cosi-si-curavano-le-emorroidi and https:// www .pilloledistoria.it / 9002 / ancient-history / medicine-in-ancient-rome-cures-bizarre-kidney-stones).
In the Middle Ages the belief spread that mummy dust was beneficial to human health, a belief that became even more rooted and profound during the 17th century, so much so that it was possible to find it in every pharmacy.
What was it for?
It was said to cure ulcers, amenorrhea, sexual dysfunctions (in particular male impotence) and headaches ... we can imagine how effectively.