Poster of Salvatore Nocita's TV drama “The Betrothed” (1989)
“I promessi sposi” by Salvatore Nocita is a famous drama produced and broadcast by RAI in 1989 and based, as is evident, from the novel of the same name by Alessandro Manzoni.
The work, which enjoyed great success with audiences and critics, stands out for its historical-literary rigor and for the excellent interpretation of the actors, members of a cast Italian and international of exceptional level.
Below is an excerpt from the script itself ( video from, the one dedicated to the nun of Monza, central character of chapters IX and X of the Manzoni novel, who despite his name changed to Gertrude, it clearly traces the life and vicissitudes of Sister Virginia Maria , born Marianna de Leyva y Marino ( see
In Nocita's work the role of the sinful nun is entrusted to Jenny Seagrove , that of the lover, Egidio in “I promessi sposi” , Gian Paolo Osio in reality, to Helmut Berger .