The head of the woman found in Amarna (Egypt). The “extensions” are clearly visible
The women of Ancient Egypt they knew and used “extension ", Strands of false hair used to thicken and lengthen the natural hair.
This is confirmed by the recent discovery in Amarna by a team of archaeologists of the body of a woman lived over 3300 years ago; the head of the deceased is still embellished with an elaborate hairstyle created with the addition of 70 "fake" braids.
For now it has not been possible to discover significant details about the lady in question, whose age and social status are not known, but the modest tomb and the lack of mummification would indicate that she was not wealthy and that she did not belong to a upper class; it is assumed that her family members wanted to give her those luxurious extension for her extreme trip that she hadn't been able to afford in life.