What connection can Stonehenge have with the ancient Greek civilization and specifically with the Cretomycenaean? According to the researcher of Aegean Scriptures Minas Tsikritsis narrow.
Speaking to APE-MPE, Mr. Tsikritsis claims that abstractly comparing the imprint of the mechanism of Palaikastro with a plan of Stonehenge, remarkable similarities can be found.
"If we place the imprint of the Palaikastro mechanism on a sketch of Stonehenge, so that the line of symmetry aimed at the summer solstice at Stonehenge coincides with the inner line of the double row of cross on the disk of Palaikastro and if we also bring a vertical line to the axis, then we observe the following:
a) on the Palaikastro disk, the numbers of engravings -14 &15 above, 16 &14 below- present in each of the 4 quadrants as divided by the vertical axes, are uniformly identified with the circles G΄ and Y΄ with the 29 and 30 stones of Stonehenge. b) more generally, the number of engravings (29 and 30) in the inner circle of Palaikastro are related to the number of holes in the two circles Z΄(29) and Y΄(30) of Stonehenge. The number of these holes or incisions correspond to a lunar month of 29.5 days. Additionally, the number of 59 engravings of Palaikastro can also be identified with the circle of 59 smaller bluestones, called the Circle of Bluestones, around the 5 triliths of Stonehenge. c) the outer final circle that surrounds all of Stonehenge, with the 57 holes called the Aubrey Holes, can be identified with the outer circle of the Palaikastro disc which also has 58 holes. d) among the triliths at Stonehenge there are 19 stones in the shape of a horseshoe, with the name Petalo apo Galazopetres, while the same number is also present in the disc of Palaikastro in the form of small holes in two areas of the inner cross", explains Mr. Tsikritsis.

Finally, based on what has been described, it appears, he says in APE-MPE the researcher, that "the Minoan Civilization should have had a relationship and contact with the northerners. As Diodorus mentions (B2,47), there is on the island a magnificent temple, circular in shape, dedicated to Apollo, where his priests, playing the guitar, sang hymns in a dialect close to Greek. They say the relationship of the Hyperboreans with the Athenians dates back to ancient times."
He goes on to explain that, based on the latest dating, the construction of the Stonehenge III bluestone horseshoe is placed from 2200 to about 1600 BC. The research and PhD thesis of I. Velsing (2017) showed that the Minoan Calculator dates back to MMII, i.e. the same period as the construction of the "Blue Stone" horseshoe.
"According to Andrew Fitzpatrick, director of the excavation program in Wessex," says Mr. Tsikritsis, "Toxotis's tomb, radio-dated C14, dates to about 2200 BC. By petrographic analysis of the boulders, the scientists found that these monoliths were carved and transported from quarries in Wales and estimated that the monument remained in use for around 1,500 years, as a place of worship and as an astronomical observatory."
Continuing, Mr. Tsikritsis explains to APE-MPE:"A team of experts from Wessex Salisbury in 2003 carried out a hi-tech survey of the monument, using laser scanning on all the stones of Stonehenge. In this way, for the first time, other sculptural impressions besides the two known swords were discovered.
The first petroglyph symbols at Stonehenge were found by Richard Atkinson in 1953 and were identified as knives or swords measuring from 8 to 36 cm. On the inner face of the stone numbered Sarsen 53 some symbols were found, which if placed below the glyphs of the Linear A script, then these are read as to-na. Based on the reading rules we read the word Stona or Stoni which is interpreted as a stone, from the ancient Greek stion:στης, stone. Hesychius mentions:"votes, but those who stand. And he also declares distress, he stands; he casts stones".
Similar symbols, he says, were found on the outer face of Sarsen stone 4, and on the outer surface of stone 3. Especially on stone 3 there are hollows, a shallow rectangle. The significance of these sculptures is debated by archaeologists and they possibly testify that the engraved pelekei and swords that resemble Mycenaean swords may have been carved by those who would build Stonehenge, the Cretans, as the researcher adds.
"On many ortholiths appears the symbol which morphologically resembles the column of the temple, i.e. a column with a sloping stone on top.
This symbol is a syllable of Linear A' with the phonetic value na and is an acrophone of the word ναφος which is indirectly attested in the epithet na-Fi-jo ναφιος in Linear B' script", argues the researcher and adds that "in conclusion, the fact that the word to-na, Stona=stone appears three times and the acrophone na too many times, refers us to the logic of the engravings we have in the Minoan palaces, where on stones there are engravings of syllables of linear A', which were placed by the stone masons - internationally they are called Tekton marks - and probably declared that the processing of the stone had been completed and was ready to be transported from the mine to the place where it should be placed".
"Ultimately, we believe that the symbols designated as swords are Minoan script syllables denoting the word stone and temple", argues the Aegean Scriptures researcher and adds:"Furthermore, with based on the above association of Stonehenge with the Palaikastro disc we consider Stonehenge to be an enlargement of the Minoan astronomical "Palaikastro mechanism", which is now proven to be the first computer that measures time and predicts lunar eclipses. We can, therefore, assert that its most likely builders were related to the Minoan Civilization."
For Mr. Tsikritsis, even the name, one could claim, comes from the ancient Greek language.
"If we take the etymology found in George W. Lemon's 1783 dictionary, where he interprets the word Stone as Petra based on the word Stion. And Henge, which in Norwegian means to hang and in English the word Hang means to hang, is probably etymologically connected with the ancient Greek word ῎Αγχο <Γ 371> to suffocate, in spite of the ego there is nothing because anxiety is something else or the ego and I conclude the pharynx. That is, I hang and suffocate where the pharynx closes and I cannot breathe".
"The stones, therefore, probably also worked therapeutically for people who had difficulty breathing (anxiety) who, coming into contact with the stones in the triliths, were cured", asserts closing researcher.
The Stonehenge
Stonehedge is an uninterpreted, until now, structure located in England. The purpose of its construction was linked by most researchers to astronomical observations based on the pairs of large vertical boulders, four meters each, connected at the top by a massive lintel and forming the well-known five Triliths in the center of the observed image. Within the triliths are 19 horseshoe-shaped stones, called the 'Bluestone Horseshoe', while near the center of the horseshoe is a 4.8m carved block of grey-blue sandstone, called the Altar Stone. Around the five triliths is a circle of 59 smaller bluestones, called the "Bluestone Circle". Outside the Circle of Bluestones, there is the Sarcen Circle, consisting of 30 ortholiths, which were joined by curved lintels, of which 19 have been preserved. On these stones, syllables of the Linear 1 script have been engraved. Around the Sarcen circle there is the 7th Circle of 29 holes and around it another, the Yth Circle with 30 holes. The outer final circle with a diameter of 110 meters that surrounds all of Stonezage, consists of 57 holes and is called the Aubrey Holes circle.
The straight line passing through stones 15 and 16 of the Sarcen circle and the center of the Altar stone connects to a boulder located at the entrance called the Heel Stone . This straight line aims at the sunrise during the summer solstice and is the axis of the entire complex. The exact alignment of this axis, as demonstrated by the astronomer Lockyer, in his book Stonehenge and Other British Monuments (1906), occurred in the time period around 1650 BC.
"The construction of Stonehenge, in the Middle Ages, was attributed to the ancient Celts and their Druid teachers, however, the excavation findings in the area do not lead to this theory, as this construction dates back to 2nd millennium BC During the Bronze Age, the known civilizations that could be associated with the construction of Stonehenge would be the Mesopotamian, Egyptian and Cretomycenaean civilizations," says Mr. Tsikristis to APE-MBE and continues:"However, the temples in Mesopotamia they were rectangular and ziggurats always had a square base. The Sumerians did not build with stone or build circular structures, so those who designed and erected Stonehenge could not have been Sumerians or Babylonians."
At the same time, says the researcher, “Egyptian temples were square, the various pyramids and obelisk backgrounds had a square base and were not circular in shape. However, circular constructions appear in the Cretaceous Mycenaean culture. Characteristically, the burial circle of Mycenae is a sample of construction of the 16th century. e.g. The burial pits, surrounded by a circle of stones, evolved into circular tombs, buried under a conical, earthen mound. These constructions cannot be related to Stonehenge, which is not a burial monument, but probably an astronomical observatory."
Mr. Tsikritsis also says that "circular buildings that are not funerary structures appear only in the so-called Ring of Minos. In this ring we can see a circular building on top of a hill, surrounded by ortholiths. A similar image with a circular sacred building is also depicted on the Mycenaean ring from chamber tomb 91 of the 15th century. e.g".