It's hard to outbid your dad who murdered hundreds of thousands of people. However, they tried very hard. Rape, barbaric torture, brutal murder. We present psychopaths who had crimes in their blood.
Our lowly honorable list is opened by Udayj Hussein, the firstborn son of an Iraqi dictator, born in 1964. Already at the age of five - at the explicit order of his father - he had to watch the executions of the convicts. Is that why he became a monster that even the closest family feared?
Cruelty few
Khaled Jassem, longtime editor-in-chief of Udajja's sports newspaper, even stated: I have never seen someone so cruel . And he was not exaggerating at all. As Khattar Abou Diab emphasizes in the book "Children of Dictators":
Udajj revived medieval practices, including the dreaded falaka . Due to the slightest mistake, the dictator's son condemns his associates to the aforementioned torture of hitting the soles of the feet lying down with a stick […] victim.
It was an extremely painful and cruel punishment, and the man subjected to it could not even take a step for many days later. Udajj simply loved to watch other unfortunates be mistreated . When he could not take part in the execution, he had to at least listen to the victim's moans on the phone .
Falaka is extremely painful torture. Pretend to be happy to condemn her even for the slightest mistake (source:public domain).
He is a psychopath
Young Hussein combined a love of violence with a weakness for expensive alcoholic beverages, which he regularly abused. This combination of preferences never bodes well. The events of 1988 were the best proof of this.
During an official reception in honor of the countries that supported Iraq in the war with Iran, a drunk Udayj tortured his father's favorite cook to death in front of everyone. Khattar Abou Diab describes it as follows: He hit him several times, threw him to the ground and stabbed him several times with a knife. The man dies a few hours later in the hospital.
One of the witnesses to this gruesome spectacle was Egypt's First Lady Suzan Mubarak. When her husband Husni found out about it, he was shocked to find out without a shadow of a doubt that Udajj was a psychopath. It's hard to disagree with him.
Even the Iraqi dictator did not intend to turn a blind eye to the exploits of the firstborn this time and ordered his arrest. The court sentenced the murderer to eight years in prison, but only after a few months Udajj was released and went to Europe.
He did not stay on the Old Continent for too long. Here, too, he showed what he could do and was expressly expelled, first from Switzerland and then France, where he became famous for numerous brawls in Parisian clubs and restaurants.
However, it did not teach him anything, quite the contrary. Still drunk and on drugs, he was becoming less and less predictable. Now also his immediate family members had to take into account his uncontrolled outbursts of aggression.
Diane Ducre in her book "Women Dictators 2" cites a story from August 1995, when during an orgy on a private yacht:
One of Saddam's stepbrothers, Watban, begins to take a rather risky ape on his nephew, caricaturedly emphasizing his prominent jaw and speech impediment. Moments later, a shooting breaks out between the two dignitaries, which the bodyguards of both sides are trying to prevent. Watban - the interior minister - is seriously injured and loses a leg .
After what happened in 1988, even Saddam Hussein was fed up with his son's antics and had him arrested (source:public domain).
The whole scandal ends when my father burned down one of the garages of Udajja as punishment. About 20 of his beloved sports cars went up in smoke.
Sexual Predator
Of course, not only men trembled at the sight of a drunk psychopath. The degenerate was also a real sexual beast. Every woman who caught his eye ended up in his bed . If any of them resisted, she would face brutal rape . Udayj did not spare even teenage Elizabeth, the daughter of one of Saddam's lovers.
But everything has its limits. In 1996, the family of one of the numerous victims of the dictator's son decided to take revenge. In the heart of Baghdad, he was hit by seven bullets. Pretend literally escaped death. It took a year for him to appear in public again. After the attack, he was left with a painful memento - he had a limp until the end of his life.
So much of the house where Udajj and Kusajj were hiding after an American missile hit him (source:public domain).
Once again, he did not draw any conclusions from the situation. As we read in "Children of dictators" , this attack will strengthen even more passion with which Udajj will commit himself to violence.
The dictator's son raged for the next six years, until the American invasion of Iraq that put an end to Saddam Hussein's rule. His firstborn died along with his brother Kusajj in July 2003.
Romanian "red prince"
Long before that happened, Udajj had made friends with another of our antiheroes. Nicu Ceaușescu, because we are talking about him, was born in 1951 as the last child of Nicolae and Elena Ceaușescu.
Unlike his older siblings, the youngest son of the Romanian despot was not eager to study. Instead of sitting over books, he preferred to spend time with the Securitate agents protecting him. And maybe that's why he caused only problems from an early age.
He committed the first of numerous rapes at the age of fourteen . His classmate was his victim. Of course, he was not punished for this, after all, he was mummy's beloved son. In the years that followed, Nicu became the terror of Bucharest.
Nicu with his parents during a visit to Moldova. August 1976 (photo:Ion Chibzii; license CC BY-SA 2.0).
Along with his inseparable bodyguards, organized real hunts for women which he chose mainly among customers of the restaurants he visited. When he liked one, his people kicked everyone out of the place so that he could rape his victim in peace. If the girl's husband or boyfriend tried to object, Securitate officers beat him unconscious. It also often happened that the unfortunate man later ended up in prison for many years.
Drunken rallies, rape and casinos
Nicu and Udajja also shared a love of fast cars and a serious alcohol problem that young Ceaușescu began abusing at the age of sixteen. His drunken rallies were a nightmare for the inhabitants of the Romanian capital, because he repeatedly caused accidents. At least two people died and a dozen were seriously injured .
When news of his son's scandalous behavior finally reached the ears of Nicolae Ceaușescu, he didn't really care. He only advised his son to stop drinking and go to work. Of course, it did not change anything, and the man selected as the successor to the "Sun of the Carpathians" was crossing new borders.
The list of sexually abused women kept getting longer. Among the victims was even the five-time gold medalist of the Olympic Games in gymnastics Nadia Comăneci . According to her mother, the "red prince" brought the girl to his estate in Sibiu, where she was regularly beaten and raped.
Among the victims of unsatisfied sexual appetite, Nico was also supposed to be the multimedia player of the Olympic Games Nadia Comăneci (photo:Dave Gilbert; license CC BY-SA 2.0).
The whole picture of a drunkard, rapist and cruelty is completed by Nicu's addiction to gambling. While the Romanians were starving, he could lose hundreds of thousands of dollars in Monte Carlo or Las Vegas one night . It was during such "entertainment" that the years passed for him, until December 1989 came. In the face of the fall of the dictatorship, Nicu repaid his father by standing by his side to the end. He committed another crime on that occasion.
On his orders, the demonstrators were fired in Sibiu. At least 89 people were killed and 219 injured . After the change of political system, the son of the deposed dictator was brought to trial, which sentenced him to 20 years behind bars. Nevertheless, Nicu was free again two years later - he was released due to health problems. He did not enjoy freedom for long. Four years later, he died in a hospital in Vienna awaiting a liver transplant. The immediate cause of death was cirrhosis of the liver.
A descendant of Scotland's last king
Faisal Wangita, son of Idi Amin, the dictator of Uganda (the one from "The Last King of Scotland"), did not need father's money and influence to enter the road of crime. He made his debut in criminal reports in January 2006.
One Saturday night, was stalking London with a dozen of his friends armed with knives, baseball bats, bottles and hammers . Their goal was one:to get someone from a rival gang. An 18-year-old boy who had no chance against an armed gang turned out to be unlucky. He was killed in front of terrified passersby.
Wangita quickly fell into the hands of the police. During the trial, it turned out that he was not another African immigrant who did not work and dealt with gangsters. He was born in 1981 in Saudi Arabia, and his father was Idi Amin, a bloody dictator with several hundred thousand victims on his conscience.
The mother, Sarah Kyolaba, the tyrant's fifth and favorite wife, was the Ugandan Pretty Woman. She started out as a go-go dancer; during one of her performances she caught Amin's eye and became the dictatorial lady . Although she called Idi "a wonderful husband" and "a true African hero" for the rest of her life, she did not want to spend exile with him in Saudi Arabia. She took her son and went to Germany and from there to Great Britain.
Ugandan dictator Idi Amin saw himself as Scotland's last king and claimed he wanted to overthrow the English queen. Years later his son decided to make a criminal career in England (source:Archives New Zealand; license CC BY-SA 2.0).
"Exemplary" citizen
In 2004, Wangita was granted permanent residence in Great Britain. How did he use it? He did not work, became involved with a Somali gang, took part in the above-mentioned fatal beating and was sentenced to five years' imprisonment in 2007.
After serving the sentence (slightly shortened, by the way), the British authorities made a simple decision: if you cannot function in our society, go back to yourself! His right of permanent residence has been withdrawn.
The Ugandan dictator's son was due to be deported in April 2010, but he broke the law again hours before departure. In pre-trial detention, he and 7 friends beat up a Latin American also awaiting deportation.
To this day, it is not known whether Wangita ended up in Saudi Arabia or Uganda after serving his sentence (source:public domain).
Eventually, however, it was loaded onto a plane and flew ... But where? Theoretically to his place of birth, Saudi Arabia, but it seems to have ended up in Uganda. At least that was what his brother insisted.
By the way, he claimed that Faisal was not deported, but returned to his ancestral country of his own free will, and all the accusations against him were a propaganda campaign aimed at disgusting Idi Amin's family in the eyes of the public.
It is not really known whether Wangita made it to his father's country. My brother vaguely explained that he did not have a Ugandan phone number. In the end, none of the journalists encountered a thug that no one would be interested in if not for the famous father.
- Jean-Christophe Brisard, Claude Quetel, Children of Dictators , Horizon 2015 sign.
- Diane Ducret, Women of Dictators , SIW Znak 2012.
- Diane Ducret, Women Dictators 2 , SIW Znak 2013.
- Diane Ducret, Emmanuel Hecht, The Last Days of Dictators , Horizon 2014 sign.
- Giles Foden, Not quite a chip off the old bloc ,, Aug 4, 2007.
- Nadia Khomami, Idi Amin widow's life of tumult ends quietly in north London ,, June 16, 2015.
- Sandra Laville, Big Daddy’s boy:Idi Amin’s son jailed in Britain over Somali gang murder ,, Aug 4, 2007.
- Norman Mwambo, Isaac Imaka, Amin son back in Uganda after UK quit claim , Africa Review, December 2, 2010.
- Ion Mihai Pacepa, Red Horizons:The True Story of Nicolae and Elena Ceausescus ’Crimes, Lifestyle, and Corruption, Regnery Publishing 1990.