The young democracy of the 1990s provided the ideal conditions for a rapid career in politics. But it was just as easy to fall down and not get up. Scandals, especially sexual ones, were immediately picked up by the media. Subsequent scandals proved that there are no unsinkable politicians ... except maybe one.
"Erotic Immunities. Diary of Anastasia P. " - in the 90s, when there were no gossip portals yet, it was this book that shocked the public opinion. The fate of the "author" ( in fact the diary was written by journalist Jerzy Skoczylas ) reads like a box novel, composed of several separate but complementary short stories.
As Patryk Pleskot writes in his publication "Przekręt. The greatest crooks of the People's Republic of Poland and the Third Republic of Poland ", the real biography of a woman is quite difficult to recreate:
It appears from the book that P. is an abbreviation of the noble surname "Potocka". However, Anastazja herself admits that her real name is Marzena Domaros and that she is no countess, but a journalist and correspondent in the Seym. It quickly turned out that this is also a lie:she had no accreditation or journalistic education.
Dear diary, I was raped by the Marshal of the Seym
In fact, Marzena Domaros grew up in the village of Góra near Starogard Gdański. Together with her family (including a small child!), She occupied a room with a kitchen on all fours. However, she left this prosaic part of her biography far behind her when she came to Warsaw to become the heroine of one of the biggest sex scandals of 20th-century Poland.
In 1992, she told about her parliamentary "adventures" to Skoczylas, who collected her story in an alleged diary. This one disappeared from bookstores at an express pace of three days. An impressive number of 400,000 copies was sold, even by today's standards. Domaros' confessions plunged the then Deputy Speaker of the Seym Andrzej Kern. "Potocka" accused him of rape, but never filed an official accusation. Despite the lack of concrete evidence, not to mention the verdict, the former marshal did not seek re-election in 1993.

The scandal surrounding Anastazja Potocka (Marzena Domaros) shook the political scene of the newly created Third Republic of Poland (source:press materials of the Znak Horyzont publishing house).
Domaros described how the politician got drunk, hit her, turned her over on the bed, and then abused her. She also admitted that she did not defend herself and was surprised herself. I neither helped nor disturbed him - "she wrote" in the diary. Nor did she try to leave the room when the deputy marshal finally fell asleep. When she got up in the morning, she quietly sat down at the dressing table to do her hair. She listened to Kern's confessions for a moment, telling him that it was terrible last night. She did not go to the police, believing that no one would believe her anyway .
The self-proclaimed correspondent of Le Figaro also admitted in the pages of the book to an affair with Aleksander Kwaśniewski. However, she considered him a very weak lover. There were favorable opinions about the bedding skills of another alleged partner, Leszek Miller. Apart from that, there weren't many details in the diary. Domaros experienced in her accounts that she saw Donald Tusk in shorts and ... that Lech Kaczyński kissed her hand. Apparently she didn't wash it a week later.
What was the secret of the "Countess"? Not in exceptional beauty - apart from large breasts, she did not stand out with anything special. She also had no education, experience or money. Despite this, for several months she shone in the lobby of the Sejm. This is how Patryk Pleskot explains its success in "Przekręcie":
She was easy to socialize, had the nerve (…). She was able to build a lot of (almost) nothing - this is the basic skill of the impostor. A favorable circumstance was also the aura of aristocracy created by Potocka.
After the success of the first book, Marzena Domaros decided to publish another. However, the publication "Anastazja P. once again" went unnoticed. She also tried her hand as a singer, but listening to the song "Stefana's eyes" is left only to the bravest .
Waldemar Pawlak (nickname "Cyborg") not so cold at all
From the 1990s, the affairs of Waldemar Pawlak, the then president of the PSL, who also served as prime minister in 1993-1995, reportedly continued. The revelations were announced in the media by his wife, who decided to file appropriate lawsuits with the prosecutor's office. She wanted to prove that her husband and her in-laws abused her mentally and did not pay for the maintenance of the house. Apparently, Pawlak betrayed so carelessly that one of the romances was supposed to result in an illegitimate son!

According to the ex-wife's account, Waldemar Pawlak was a very loving MP. One of the romances was even supposed to be an illegitimate son (source:Waldemar Pawlak's Election Committee; license CC BY-SA 3.0).
The former prime minister's first high-profile romance - the one in the 90s - connected him with his secretary, Anna M. His next lover, the one with whom he allegedly had a son, was activated in 2005. She fought with Pawlak in court for alimony. The politician already had a relationship with Iwona Grzymała, with whom he lived in Żyrardów ... Oh, a loving man, one would like to say. The problem was that Pawlak was hiding his income and property more and more diligently. All this to be considered much poorer on paper than in reality.
The new partner of the former prime minister held positions on the boards of related companies for five years. It was her who owned an over 100-square-meter apartment to which the couple moved. The newspapers also reported that the politician changed to the train, after giving the car to his beloved. The media, attracted by the hype in private life, looked at Pawlak more and more closely . In this way, it was revealed, inter alia, that his old mother became the president of the Partnership for Development Foundation, in which he was a shareholder.
Despite unclear business and turbulence in his personal life, Pawlak always seemed to fall on his feet. From 1989 to 2015, he continuously sat in the Sejm. From 2007 to 2012, he was also the deputy prime minister. Thus, the curious past does not seem to hurt him particularly much.

Politics and sex scandals are an inseparable pair. Poland is no exception here. The illustration shows a drawing from the book “Przekręt. The greatest crooks of the People's Republic of Poland and the Third Republic of Poland "(Znak Horyzont 2017).
Sex in Self-Defense
The Self-Defense of the Republic of Poland, founded in 1992 on the initiative of Andrzej Lepper, initially had no chance of winning seats in the Sejm. In 1993, she did not get even 3% of the votes. Two years later, the group's leader also suffered a spectacular defeat in the presidential election. But in 2001, Samoobrona finally entered the Sejm, ranking third in terms of the number of seats. And already in 2006, in a coalition with the LPR and PiS, she co-founded the government.
Paradoxically, it was probably one of the worst periods in the history of this party in terms of image. On December 4, 2006, "Gazeta Wyborcza" published an article with the all-saying title "Job for sex in self-defense". Former councilor acting on behalf of the party, Aneta Krawczyk (then still K.), revealed that she made her career only thanks to her coexistence with Andrzej Lepper and MP Stanisław Łyżwiński . Krawczyk was the office director of the second politician. Initially, she earned PLN 1,200 there. Her earnings grew steadily - mainly due to the fact that she agreed to have sex with her boss about once a week ...
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The woman did not want to show her face and reveal her data. Her name was revealed only by Lepper at a press conference. And so Poland gained its Monika Lewinsky, and Krawczyk could forget about privacy for many years. She was not the only woman who was made an immoral offer, although it was the most famous thing about her. Gazeta Wyborcza also reached other female activists who were offered a promotion for sex.

Andrzej Lepper already as Deputy Prime Minister, pictured in March 2007 (photo:Marek Silarski; license CC BY-SA 2.5).
In interviews, Krawczyk said that first she had to have intercourse with the chairman himself, and it took place "at least twice". As proof of this, she was to present in court information on the details of Lepper's anatomy. According to what the woman told prosecutors, the leader of the group was very brutal towards her. He pulled her by the hair, threw her on the bed, ripped off her underwear.
The testimony showed a picture of a man of almost sadistic tendencies. When it comes to having sex with Łyżwiński, Krawczyk described these situations as disgusting and disgusting. The man usually came to her breathing alcohol and satisfied his needs without asking for permission. Only then did he pay his salary.
Soon there was a series in the media called "Who is the father of Aneta K.'s younger child." . Meanwhile, the court has taken concrete steps. For persuading Krawczyk to terminate the pregnancy, the councilor of Samoobrona, Jacek P. was arrested. DNA tests were also commissioned, which ruled out the paternity of both Lepper and Łyżwiński (although the woman maintained that she had not had sex with anyone else at the time). Both politicians, however, heard a long list of accusations in connection with the scandal. Ultimately, justice was not done. Lepper died in 2011, and in 2013 the proceedings in the Łyżwiński case were discontinued. The reason was the defendant's poor health.
A senator with a dress inhales white powder
The former senator of the Civic Platform, Krzysztof Piesiewicz, was also the hero of the loud scandal with sex in the background. In June 2008, he met Joanna D., a young, slim blonde girl. It took place near Mariott ... or maybe at a gas station? - each of them later stated differently.

New friends made an appointment at Piesiewicz's house, where the latter allegedly persuaded the woman to take cocaine and told her about his sexual inclinations. Although he reportedly drugged himself and changed into women's clothes, the woman visited him many more times. As she admitted, he seemed to her to be an extraordinary man with a fascinating legacy.
Joanna D. was persuaded to use his intimate knowledge about the politician by a criminal acquaintance. He wanted a politician to help him blackmail him. For completing the task, i.e. recording a senator in a compromising situation, he promised her PLN 5,000. The woman and her friend started the "mission". Under the guise of a social visit, they visited a politician in his home. I must admit that the material they recorded would put everyone in a bad light - even a respected public figure with an unblemished reputation, such as Piesiewicz at that time.
A video in which a PO senator dressed in a dress, a lawyer and screenwriter inhales white powder , it finally found its way to the media. He was often published with the comment that he was accompanied by prostitutes. The financial thread was present in the case from the very beginning. Piesiewicz's "friend" herself admitted that she asked him for money, and he refused her.

The scandal destroyed the reputation of Krzysztof Piesiewicz, built over the decades (photo Sławomir Kaczorek; license CC BY-SA 3.0 pl).
The motivation behind making the politician's embarrassing secrets public was therefore the simplest possible. B I was angry with Krzysiek because he promised me a job first, and then he refused the usual loan. Back then I didn't think what would happen to the recording - Joanna D. said in an interview for Super Express (in which she appeared as Katarzyna W.).
Court cases, during which Piesiewicz had to explain whether he was taking drugs or powdered drugs (this was his line of defense), were held several times. In 2013, the senator was acquitted, but the sentence was partially revoked a year later. The year 2016 brought a resumption of the trial. The scandal destroyed Piesiewicz's good name, for which he worked for years. The hero of the sex scandal was, among others, a defender in trials of Solidarity activists or an auxiliary prosecutor in the case against the murderers of Father Jerzy Popiełuszko ...