Half of Europe under our rule. Polish as the language of world diplomacy. White and red banners at which foreign troops tremble. This is what Europe looked like in the times of the "Polish Empire".
There was a time when Poland was the largest country in Europe. A Pole going to the sea was asked:which ones? We were the first rulers of Berlin, we sat on the Moscow throne, we owned the Crimea and forts in the Caribbean. For a long time our country stretched to the four corners of the world. Why do we forget about it?
With whom did Greater Poland border? Who did she want!
Kaffa, Courland, Gambia, Tobago… are not associated with Poland. And yet they were all part of the Polish superpower. From the Middle Ages to the 18th century, Poles fought for Livonia, Spisz, Crimea, Moldova, Sweden and Ukraine. Nevertheless, the term "Polish empire" is absent from our history. Until now.
Buy Michael Morys-Twarowski's "Polish Empire" at empik.com
Michael Morys-Twarowski it proves that we should not focus on a vision of our history full of failures and failures. Texts about a disastrous geopolitical situation and dangerous neighbors should finally be put aside. The author recklessly describes the times when Poland really was a superpower. It's high time to admit it.