History quiz

How did George Washington shape the office of president?

He established the office of the president and set precedents that would be followed by his successors. Washington set a precedent for a dignified, impartial administration, established a precedent that the President should be responsive to the needs of the people, and chose individuals on merit, not as political payoff, to serve as department heads.

He believed he should represent all the people, whether they supported his politics or not. Washington made an effort to be as neutral and impartial as possible, and he avoided partisanship in his appointments and decisions.

Cabinet Government

* Cabinet members became the president’s closest advisors.

*Washington held regularly scheduled cabinet meetings.

*The Cabinet initially consisted of the Vice President, the Secretaries of State, the Treasury, and War, and the Attorney General.

*Each person reported directly to the president.

Judicial Review

* Established by the case Marbury v. Madison (1803)

* Gave the Supreme Court the power to declare acts of Congress unconstitutional.

*Ensured that the Constitution would be the supreme law of the land.

Presidential Precedents

* Established the two-term tradition

* Farewell address to the nation

* Presidential appointments confirmed by the Senate

*Presidential inaugurations

* Use of the veto power