History quiz

What jobs did William give people in the battle of hastings?

William the Conqueror led the Norman army in the Battle of Hastings on October 14, 1066. He appointed several key individuals to specific roles and responsibilities within his forces, each playing a crucial part in securing his victory. Here are some of the prominent figures and their associated jobs in the battle:

1. William FitzOsbern:

- Role: Marshal of the Army

- Responsibilities: Commander of the cavalry, overseeing discipline, organization, and strategic deployment of the Norman knights.

2. Robert, Count of Mortain:

- Role: Leader of the Breton Contingent

- Responsibilities: Commanded the Breton soldiers within William's army, ensuring their cohesion and effectiveness in combat.

3. Odo of Bayeux:

- Role: Bishop of Bayeux, Papal Legate

- Responsibilities: He provided religious and spiritual guidance to the army, ensured loyalty to William, and acted as a papal envoy during negotiations.

4. Eustace II, Count of Boulogne:

- Role: Ally and Leading Mercenary

- Responsibilities: Provided mercenary troops to William and commanded them in battle, bolstering the Norman forces.

5. Guy of Burgundy:

- Role: Commanding General

- Responsibilities: Led a significant contingent of Norman troops, overseeing their positioning, tactics, and engagements during the battle.

6. William Malet:

- Role: Standard-Bearer

- Responsibilities: Carried the banner or standard of William, symbolizing his leadership and serving as a rallying point for the troops.

7. Walter Giffard:

- Role: Commander of the Heavy Infantry

- Responsibilities: Led the disciplined and well-equipped Norman infantry, spearheading charges and maintaining formation.

It's important to note that while these key individuals held specific jobs, the Battle of Hastings involved numerous other soldiers, knights, and military personnel who contributed to William's victory through their skills and valor on the battlefield.