World War 2 began on September 1, 1939, and lasted until September 2, 1945.
World War 2 began on September 1, 1939, and lasted until September 2, 1945.
question 1 (Mackenzie) Regarding the US involvement in the First World War, it is INCORRECT to state that: a) was influenced by the Germanic intention to attract Mexico, promising it help in the reconquest of territories lost to the USA. b) the US directly financed the French-English arms industry a
Question 01 - UERJ 2007 - 1st Qualification Exam - The JK years, celebrated as golden years, were supported by the Plano de Metas, a set of guidelines with the objective of eliminating inequalities in Brazil. Among these guidelines we can highlight:(A) occupation of the Midwest Region with the trans
Question 01 - FGV-SP 2002 - “Speak softly and use a club”, said US President Theodore Roosevelt to justify US foreign policy. Regarding the policy known as the “Big Stick”, we can say:a) It meant a pragmatic measure taken by the North Americans shortly after independence, seeking to overcome diploma
question 1 (Cescem-SP) The historical importance of Amenotep IV (Amenhotep), Egyptian pharaoh during the so-called New Kingdom (1580 BC – 1110 BC), lies in the fact that he has: promoted a religious revolution by establishing a monotheistic cult. resisted the military invasion of a major Hyksos-le