Commodity money: Commodity money is a type of money that is backed by a physical commodity, such as gold, silver, or other valuable goods. The value of commodity money is based on the value of the commodity that it is backed by. Examples of commodity money include gold coins, silver coins, and paper money that is backed by gold or silver.
Representative money: Representative money is a type of money that is backed by a deposit of some other valuable asset, such as gold or silver. The value of representative money is based on the value of the asset that it is backed by. Examples of representative money include banknotes and certificates of deposit.
Electronic money: Electronic money, also known as digital currency or virtual currency, is a type of money that exists only in electronic form. It is not printed or minted like traditional fiat money. Instead, it is stored on computers or other electronic devices. Examples of electronic money include Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin.
Debt money: Debt money is a type of money that is created when a bank lends money to a borrower. The borrower then signs a promissory note, which is a promise to repay the loan plus interest. The promissory note can then be used as a form of money by the borrower. Examples of debt money include bank loans and bonds.