Disruption of Trade: The Trojan War disrupted trade in the Aegean Sea and caused economic hardship for many of the region's cities. The war also led to the rise of piracy and banditry, as well as an increase in violence and lawlessness.
Spread of Disease: The war also spread disease among the Greek and Trojan armies. This disease likely originated in the unsanitary conditions of the Greek camp and then spread throughout the Peloponnese, causing widespread death and devastation.
Political Upheaval: The war also led to political upheaval in Greece. Many of the war's heroes, such as Odysseus and Agamemnon, returned home to find their kingdoms in disarray. This led to a series of struggles for power and eventually resulted in the outbreak of the Peloponnesian War, another large-scale conflict that devastated Greece.
Cultural Impact: The Trojan War had a profound impact on Greek culture. The stories of the war were preserved in oral tradition and eventually written down in epics such as the Iliad and the Odyssey. These epics later became founding works of Greek literature and had a profound influence on Greek thought and culture.