_Generalization: Reading is an important skill that everyone should develop._
_Example: Reading can help people learn new things, stay informed about current events, and expand their knowledge of the world.
_Generalization: Reading is an important skill that everyone should develop._
_Example: Reading can help people learn new things, stay informed about current events, and expand their knowledge of the world.
Question 01 - VUNESP - 2014 - PM-SP - The economy is doing well, but the people are doing poorly.(Visão Magazine, page 47, 1974) The phrase uttered, according to sources at the time, by then president Emílio Garrastazu Médici, referred to (A) the coming of North American multinationals to the cou
Question 01 - FUVEST 2018/19 - Transfer - 1st Phase - The Second World War was barely over when humanity plunged into what can reasonably be seen as a Third World War, albeit a very peculiar war. Eric Hobsbawm. It was from the extremes. São Paulo:Companhia das Letras, 1995, p. 224. What the text cal
question 1 See the image of one of the most famous prehistoric sculptures, the “Venus of Willendorf”. Venus of Willendorf About this sculpture, it is correct to say that: a) was found in the archaeological site of Serra da Capivara, in the south of Piauí. b) was discovered in 1990 by an archae
question 1 (Pucsp 2006) Consider the following texts, which refer to two distinct moments in German history:respectively, the unification of the national state, in the 19th century, and the Nazi period, in the 20th century. “Bismarck himself seems not to have been very concerned with symbolism, exce