a) The American threat to invade Brazil if it did not declare war against Germany.
b) The attack by German submarines against Brazilian merchant ships.
c) The assassination of a Brazilian diplomat by a German general in Italy.
d) The outbreak of the Integralist Intent.
e) The invasion of Brazilian airspace by German planes.
Question 02 - Which Brazilian city housed an important military base to support the Allies in World War II? a) Natal
b) Rio de Janeiro
c) Manaus
d) João Pessoa
Question 03 - What symbol did the FEB soldiers carry?
a) A snake smoking
b) Christ the Redeemer
c) A hyacinth macaw
d) A hawk
Question 04 - Who was the Minister of War when Brazil participated in World War II?
a) Filinto Müller
b) Eurico Gaspar Dutra
c) Góis Monteiro
d) Médici
Question 05 - UFRGS 2015 - In 1942, the Brazilian government declared a state of war against Germany and Italy, sending troops to the European continent in 1944. Regarding the Brazilian participation in the Second World War, it is correct to say that A) the experience of the Brazilian Expeditionary Force (FEB), during the First World War (1914-1918), was decisive for the success of the Brazilian expedition. B) the taking of Monte Castello, in Italy, was the main military conquest carried out by the FEB soldiers. C) Brazil, during the period in which it remained neutral in relation to the conflicts, did not allow the installation of US military bases in its territory. D) Brazil's participation in the war against the Nazi-fascist regimes was in line with the democratic form of government assumed by Getúlio Vargas since 1937. E) Brazil's participation with the allies granted the country a permanent seat on the Security Council of the United Nations.
Question 66 - COLÉGIO NAVAL 2014 - This year, it's been 70 years since Brazil started its participation in World War II. Which battle was considered the most important victory of the FEB?
(A) the Conquest of Monte Castelo.
(B) the Conquest of Monte Cassino.
(C) the Battle of the Alps.
(D) the Conquest of Sicily.
(E) the Battle of Montesserat.
Question 07 - Army - 2012 - EsSA - In World War II, Brazil participated, alongside the allies, with a contingent of more than 20,000 men who formed the Brazilian Expeditionary Force (FEB). This contingent stood out in the battles:
A) of Palmares.
B) from Normandy.
C) from Guararapes.
D) from Monte Castelo
E) from Monte das Tabordas.
Question 08 - VUNESP - 2014 - MPE-SP - Regarding Brazil's participation in World War II, it is correct to say that the country
(A) maintained political neutrality, not participating in the conflict.
(B) sent only a medical body to the conflict, not soldiers.
(C) fought on the side of the Allies:England, France, United States and the Soviet Union.
(D) fought on the side of the Axis:Italy, Germany and Japan.
/>(E) participated in the conflict, from the beginning to the end of the war (1939-1945).
Question 09 - UEMG 2017 - “In August 1942, ten German submarines moved to the Brazilian coast. One of them was ordered to attack. On the 15th, the ship Baependi was its first victim. Two other vessels would have the same fate. 551 people died on that day alone. In the next four, three more ships were sunk, with 56 more casualties. The Axis submarines continued to attack the Brazilian coast. By the end of the war, 12 more Brazilian ships were sunk, losing 334 more people.”
(FERRAZ, Francisco César. Brazilians and the Second World War. Rio de Janeiro:Jorge Zahar Ed., 2005 , pp. 40-41) In view of the events narrated above, the Brazilian government joined the Allies in the effort against the Nazi-fascist countries. In 1945, this decision would intensify a contradiction of the Estado Novo, by combining
a) the end of censorship of the press and the amnesty of all political prisoners.
b) the impediment of Querismo and the holding of elections
c) the national fight against authoritarian ideas and the worldwide organization of parties.
d) external support for democratic forces and the internal maintenance of a dictatorship.
Question 10 - EspCEx - 2011 - The Second World War (1939-1945) killed millions of people and spread across lands, seas, oceans and air of almost the entire planet. The Brazilian posture during the conflict was one of
A) neutrality throughout, due to the pro-Axis position of the Brazilian government.
B) allying itself with the Axis, without, however, participate directly in the conflict by sending troops.
C) after declaring war on the Axis, send the Brazilian Expeditionary Force (FEB), which fought in Italian lands.
D) maintain neutrality throughout the conflict, because the American continent and the seas that surround it were not threatened in this war.
E) declare war on the Axis, without, however, sending troops to the European battlefields, in respect to the traditional non-war stance of the Country.
Question 11 - VUNESP - 2017 - PM-SP - CFSd - The return to Rio de Janeiro of the 1st Echelon of the Brazilian Expeditionary Force on July 18, 1945 was expected and interpreted as a milestone in the campaign of opposition forces. The parade of troops through the streets of the city would be like a big party for the UDN and its candidate.
(Angela de Castro Gomes, A Invenção do Trabalhismo. Rio de Janeiro:Editora FGV, 2005. P. 284-285. Adapted) The excerpt reveals an important moment in the Estado Novo crisis associated with the return of the FEB, which A) would reinforce the importance of the military and the UDN in the construction of a negotiated solution to the end of the dictatorship, which led Getúlio to resign and politically isolating, without establishing a relationship with the political scene that would follow.
B) would emphasize the link between the sectors of opposition to Vargas and Brazil's participation in the Second World War on the side of the Allies, insofar as Vargas had been in favor of entering the war on the Axis side.
C) would consecrate the victory of the struggle for democracy and the repulsion of the dictatorship and its president, highlighting the contradiction between a foreign policy aligned with democratic values and a authoritative internal.
D) evi would denounce the weakness of the Vargas government in that context, given the fact that the government had few resources to support the troops in the war, which reinforced the feelings of poverty and precariousness disseminated at the time.
E) it would consolidate the alliance between the civilian elites organized in the UDN, economically interventionist and socially conservative, and the military just out of the war, authoritarian and with strong fascist inspiration.
Question 12 - NC-UFPR - 2015 - PM- PR - According to historian Regina da Luz Moreira, “the return of the FEB contingents precipitated (...) the fall of Vargas in 1945”
(CPDOC. Available at:
01 - B
02 - A
03 - A
04 - B
05 - B
06 - A
07 - D
08 - C
09 - D
10 - C
11 - C
12 - A