History quiz

History Exercises about Quilombo dos Palmares - with feedback

Question 01 - Machado de Assis Institute - 2018 - Luís Correia City Hall - PI - History Teacher -
In Brazil, the best known of the quilombos, the place where escaped slaves formed their nuclei, was Palmares, which was located in:
(A) Serra da Barriga, present-day Alagoas state.
br />(B) Serra da Saudade, current state of Minas Gerais.
(C) Serra do Capão, current state of Pará.
(D) Serra da Mantiqueira, current state of Mato Grosso.
(D) Serra da Mantiqueira, current state of Mato Grosso.

Question 02 - OBJECTIVE - Simulated ENEM 2010 - In Colonial Brazil and even in the Empire, many slaves who managed to escape organized quilombos. Of these, the Quilombo dos Palmares, which emerged in the 17th century, was the most famous due to the following factors:
I – The tenacious resistance of its inhabitants against the diverse attacks carried out by the pioneer Domingos Jorge Velho.
II – The extensive area occupied by the quilombo and its large population, which made it an important hub for agriculture and trade with neighboring regions.
III –The egalitarian and established by the first leader, Zumbi, who would become a model of organization imitated by several other quilombos.
IV – The inexplicable disappearance of Zumbi, who reigned in Palmares for over forty years and whose memory as a national hero was consecrated shortly after the Abolition.
Choose the correct alternative.
a) Only propositions I, II and III are true.
b) Only propositions I, II and IV are true.
c) Only propositions I, III and IV are true.
d) Only propositions II, III and IV are true.
e) All propositions are true.

Question 03 - FATEC 2004 - Despite the unfavorable conditions and the great vigilance on the part of the Portuguese colonists, the black slaves developed different forms of resistance, including
a) religion and language, which, being the same throughout the African continent , helped to unite blacks around their gods and customs.
b) the formation of quilombos, an indigenous tradition incorporated by blacks, the most famous being Quilombo dos Palmares, located in Serra da Barriga, present-day state of Alagoas.
c) the banzo, a moment of euphoria for the slaves, which manifested itself in celebration to the sound of the atabaques, causing great fear to the whites.
d) the quilombos, encampments organized by groups of fugitive slaves , the largest in Portuguese America being the Quilombo dos Palmares, whose first known great chief was Ganga-Zumba.
e) the suicides of slaves and the murders of masters, which were the most effective form of slave resistance, bringing the end of slavery still a at the end of the 18th century.

Question 04 - UNIOESTE 2008 - In Brazil, there have always been slaves willing to resist and escape captivity. The quilombos were a form of resistance for black slaves. About Quilombo dos Palmares, it is INCORRECT to state:(A) It probably appeared in the early 16th century, gathering a large number of escaped slaves from a mill in the north of the captaincy of Bahia. (B) It resisted Portuguese and Dutch attacks for almost a century, succumbing in 1695, by the action of the pioneer Domingos Jorge Velho. (C) The quilombolas lived from hunting, fishing, agriculture and trading with neighboring populations. (D) Located in the interior of the captaincy of Pernambuco, it occupied an area of ​​about 60 leagues and came to have several groups called mocambos. (E) The planters felt threatened by the incursions of the Palmarians to provide themselves with weapons, gunpowder, work tools, women and even slaves from the plantations.

Question 05 - IFBA 2017 - Integrated -
”Folga nego,
Branco doesn't come here!
If you come
Pau will take it!”.
(From Alagoan Folklore. Quoted by Freitas, Décio, op.cit., page 27)
The Palmares quilombo represented one of the most important resistance movements of blacks against slavery in Brazil. In the colonial period, the emergence of numerous quilombos is related to the fact that:
A) living in quilombos meant overcoming the hostile treatment they received in the slave world and hoping to build a society based on egalitarian social relations.
B) many blacks, even having a feeling of gratitude towards the masters, nourished the hope of building a real experience of freedom.
C) the masters themselves stimulated the groups of fugitive blacks, with a view to building a better interaction with the mass of slaves.
D) the Palmares quilombo, in seeking to obtain material advantages with the local elites, lost its combative character, which led to its destruction.
E) within the quilombo, a production structure predominated based on the private ownership of land and instruments of work, which revealed the existence of a society of privileges.

Question 06 - Instituto Machado de Assis - 2018 - Pre Municipal De Paes Landim - PI - History Teacher -
In accordance with the law dealing with Afro-Brazilian History and Culture, the school calendar must include November 20th as a commemorative date in allusion to the day of Zumbi dos Palmares' death, in 1695. should be commemorated, specifically, on that date, according to art. 79-B of LDB 1996?
(A) The International Day of Black Consciousness.
(B) The Maranhão state holiday of Black Consciousness.
(C) The National Day of Black Consciousness.
(D) The National Pro-Abolitionism Day.

Question 07 - UNICAMP 2003 - 2nd Phase - In 1694, troops commanded by Domingos Jorge Velho from São Paulo destroyed the Palmares quilombo, which had been formed since the beginning of the 17th century. Few survived the final attack, taking refuge in the forests of Serra da Barriga under the leadership of Zumbi, who died on November 20, 1695, after resisting for almost two years.
a) What was the Palmares quilombo? ?
b) In addition to carrying out attacks on quilombos, what other interests did the paulistas have in their expeditions through the sertões?
c) Explain why the day of Zumbi's death is considered the "national day of black consciousness" ”

Question 08 - FUVEST 1996 - In 1694, an expedition led by the pioneer Domingos Jorge Velho was commissioned by the metropolitan government to destroy the quilombo of Palmares. This happened because:
a) the paulistas, excluded from the circuit of colonial production centered in the Northeast, wanted to establish points of commerce there, being prevented by the quilombos.
b) the paulistas had practice in the persecution of Indians , who allied with the blacks of Palmares threatened the government with millenarian movements.
c) the quilombo destabilized the large slave contingent existing in the Northeast, threatening the continuity of sugar production and colonial domination.
d) planters feared that the quilombolas, who had attracted poor whites and mestizos, would organize an independence movement from the colony.
e) the rebellious slave villages incited the settlers to revolt against the metropolis in order to bring the Northeast back to the Dutch domain.

Question 09 - CESPE - 2012 - PM-AL - In the 17th century, in the current territory of the state of Alagoas, the largest slave revolt took place in Brazil, which became famous for its ability to economically structure the freedmen's community and to resist the siege of masters and authorities. This important historical fact corresponds to
a) the Penedo Revolt, whose leader was Duarte Coelho.
b) the Emboabas Revolt, under the leadership of Caramuru.
c) the emergence of the Quilombo de Trindade , whose leader was Arariboia.
d) to the Malês Revolt, whose leader was Ganga.
e) to the emergence of Quilombo dos Palmares, whose leader was Zumbi.

Question 10 - UNIRIO 1995 - During the 17th century, the first reactions against colonial rule can be observed, among which we have:
a) "Quilombo dos Palmares" that symbolizes the different forms of reaction of slaves to their condition.
b ) the relative independence of the interior population centers, which emerged from the bandeirante expansion.
c) the Rio de Janeiro Revolt, which represented the first emancipationist movement in colonial history with defined doctrinal content.
d) the Beckman's revolt, in Maranhão, which expressed a reaction of local traders linked to the slave trade against the Crown's abolitionist policy.
e) the Emboabas and Mascates Wars, which reacted against the metropolis' fiscal oppression in exploitation of gold.

01 - A
02 - A
03 - D
04 - A
05 - A
06 - C
07 - Answer:
a) Palmares was the largest and most enduring slave quilombo during the colonial period. More than a simple stronghold of fugitive slaves, Palmares had a political and military organization involving several mocambos (Macaco was the most important of them), which spread across Serra da Barriga (in the current state of Alagoas). It constituted a strongly hierarchical society, whose economy was based on subsistence agriculture and exchanges with neighboring villages and farms. Palmares grew a lot during the Dutch occupation and resisted several expeditions organized by the colonial authorities.

b) In the 17th century, the expeditions organized by the Paulistas aimed, especially, at imprisoning Indians to be used as labor. work on farms and mills, and seek out precious metals and stones. There were also expeditions to combat indigenous groups that attacked farms and villages, and others that sought marketable drugs from the sertão or sought new avenues for trade with inland regions and close to the La Plata basin. Often these objectives appeared mixed and departures to the sertão could be organized either by private initiatives or by the colonial authorities.

c) Zumbi was one of the last leaders of the Palmares quilombo to die, resisting the expeditions sent to the region. He became a symbol of black resistance in the fight against slavery, gaining great prominence in the Brazilian black movement, which mobilized for the day of his death to be considered a milestone in the fight against oppression and racial discrimination.

08 - C
09 - E
10 - A