Question 02 - (Adapted) FCC - 2018 - TRT - 15th Region (SP) - It is part of the consequences of the historic 1917 Strike that took place in São Paulo:(A) the formation of contingents of volunteers who left for the First War in order to fight alongside the USSR. (B) the dissolution of unions, labor associations and the violent repression of the striking leaders.(C) the emergence of large union centrals of workers in the industrial region known as ABC.(D) the governmental guarantee of the payment of the minimum wage and the respect for the 8-hour workday.(E) the strengthening of the labor movement, a factor that indirectly contributed to the foundation of the Brazilian communist party.
Question 03 - FUVEST 2018 - Transfer - 1st Phase - The movement that took place in 1917, in which thousands of workers participated in a general strike in the city of São Paulo, a) was led by communist militants, influenced by the process that was taking place, simultaneously, in Russia. b) provoked an intense repression by the of the authorities, who dissolved the unions and canceled the registration of the Brazilian Communist Party. c) it was a response to the interventions that took place in the unions and to the attempts to co-opt workers' leaders by the state government. d) it took place in a context of rising inflation, which directly affected the social conditions of workers. e) was characterized by a political movement that demanded freedom of party organization and free elections for all positions in the Republic
Question 04 - UNESP - 2011/2 - 1st day - (...) 2. That the right of association for workers be respected in the most absolute way; 3. That no worker be dismissed for having actively and ostensibly participated in the strike movement; 4. That the exploitation of work by children under 14 years of age in factories be abolished; (...) 6. That women's night work be abolished; 7th 35% increase in salaries below 5$000 and 25% for the highest; (...) 10th eight-hour day (...) (What the workers claim. The Plebe, 07.21.1917. Apud Paulo Sérgio Pinheiro and Michael Hall. The working class in Brazil, 1889-1930 – Documents , 1979.) The claims of the participants of the general strike of 1917, in São Paulo, indicate that a) the governments of the First Republic accepted the social movements, allowing the harmonious and democratic coexistence between the social classes. b) Brazil did not have legislation labor and the living and working conditions of the workers were, in most cases, bad. c) workers had already conquered the full right of association and strike, but they were still subject to long daily working hours. d) the State assumed the role of intermediary in labor negotiations, maintaining neutrality in the face of social conflicts. e) Labor unions were strictly prohibited, and workers had to demand salary increases directly from their bosses.
Question 05 - UERJ 2005 - 2nd Qualification Exam -

(CAMPOS, Flavio de and MIRANDA, Renan G. History workshop. São Paulo:Moderna , 2000.) Throughout the 20th century, the Brazilian labor movement organized and fought in different ways. In 1917, the first general strike in the history of this movement took place in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. The ideological orientation of the leaders of this strike and one of its claims are indicated, respectively, in:(A) socialist - end of corporal punishment (B) communist - struggle for better wages (C) liberal - State intervention in the economy (D) anarcho-syndicalist – decrease in working hours
Question 06 - VUNESP - 2013 - FUNDUNESP - Historiographer - Regarding the General Strike of 1917, it is correct to say that (A) in the first months of 1917, workers' demonstrations began to increase in order to improve working conditions, especially in the furniture sector. (B) in Rio de Janeiro , unionism enjoyed great prestige among the working class, representing an outline of society that intended to establish a society without a State, without social inequality and organized in a federation of workers.(C) with the death of the shoemaker Martinez, in conflict with the police, the workers retreated and the strike came to an end without obtaining most of the demands requested.(D) the police action intensified from the second half of 1917 and the clashes between the population and the police increased, with the The highest concentration of demonstrations took place in downtown São Paulo, due to the proximity to the Sé Cathedral.(E) despite conflicts with the police, a Committee for Proletarian Defense was formed, consisting of union leaders and popular associations, which sought to unify workers around a program that demanded work and life improvements, such as salary increases, abolition of night shifts for women and children, and an 8-hour workday, among others.
Question 07 - UDESC 2018/1 - “The lack of essentials for the subsistence of the working people had as an ally the insufficiency of earnings; the normal possibility of legitimate demands for indispensable improvements in the situation came up against the systematic police reaction; workers' organizations were constantly attacked and prevented from functioning; the police stations were overcrowded with workers, whose homes were invaded and searched, any attempt to gather workers provoked the brutal intervention of the police (...) The working environment was one of uncertainty, shock and anguish. The situation became untenable.”
The quote is an account by Edgar Leuenroth in the Estado de São Paulo newspaper, justifying his participation in the strike movement of 1917.
As described by Leuenroth, the working conditions generated a series of strikes and mobilizations during the first republic. On the claims of the working class, in the second half of the 1910s, analyze the propositions. I. The workers demanded an 8-hour working day. II. Workers claimed the right to a 36-hour weekly rest period. III. The workers demanded the prohibition of the work of children under 14 years old. IV. The working class demanded equal pay for men and women. A) Only statements I, II and III are true. B) Only statements III and IV are true. C) Only statements II, III and IV are true. D) Only statements I, III and IV are true. E) All the statements are true.
Question 08 - FUVEST 1985 - In the Brazilian labor movement of the First Republic, the General Strike of 1917:a) took place in São Paulo, demanding the adoption of an eight-hour working day and the prohibition of night work for women. b) it reached the main urban and industrial centers of Brazil, extending itself due to the refusal of negotiations by the strikers. c) restricted to Rio de Janeiro, articulating with military movements opposing the Wenceslau Brás government. d) only reached Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, suffering severe joint repression by the Army and the Navy. e) paralyzed coffee production, claiming equality with urban workers in the eight-hour working day.
Question 09 - UFES - The labor movement in Brazil began at the end of the 19th century and its main objective was to put an end to capitalist exploitation and build a new society. In the 10's of the following century, it experienced years of strengthening, when the main Brazilian cities were shaken by strikes, one of the most important being that of 1917, in São Paulo, in which 70,000 workers crossed their arms, demanding better working conditions. and salary increases. The 1920s, despite some advances in terms of social legislation, were difficult for the labor movement, which was forced to face major challenges, including the intensification of repression by the government. Despite this, one cannot fail to recognize that it was in this decade that the Brazilian labor movement gained greater legitimacy among the workers themselves and the wider society, transforming itself into a political actor that would act with greater aplomb in the following decades. With reference to the text above, it is correct to state that:a) the working class assumed the leadership of national union articulation, and its main achievement obtained by the 1917 strike was the creation of the Ministry of Labor, whose objective was to face the social question of the low wages. b) immigrant workers had an expressive participation in the political organization of the country and in the creation of newspapers, defending oligarchic principles and spreading ideals linked to totalitarianism, mainly Nazism and Communism. c) the labor movement in Brazil, in the first decades of the 20th century, was strongly influenced by anarchism and anarcho-syndicalism, which fostered the creation, in 1932, of the Brazilian Communist Party, linked to the Third International. d) the prohibition of child labor up to the age of 12 and the establishment of a daily working day of eight hours waved the main banners of the working class, at the beginning of union organization in Brazil. e) Brazilian trade unionism emerged in the ABC region of São Paulo, through the organization of strikes in the major car assemblers and the overcoming of Pelega union directors, despite the great resistance imposed by the governments of the First Republic.
Question 10 - UNESP - 2007 - 1st day - The strike [of 1917] is widespread throughout the city. Commerce has closed, the downtown streets are deserted (...) There are shootings in all proletarian neighborhoods, from Brás to Lapa. The delegate general distributed a bulletin to the newspapers asking “the peaceful people to withdraw from their homes, as they will maintain order, even at the expense of the most energetic means”. Even so, the movement of the streets is enormous, as the entire semi-mixed population wants to know what will happen in the manufacturing districts of Brás, Mooca, Cambuci, Bom Retiro, Barra Funda, Água Branca, Lapa.
(Everardo Dias, History of social struggles in Brazil.)

b) workers' claims were supported by the State, guaranteeing free expression and freedom of assembly in class associations and workers' congresses.
br />c) the workers' strike appeared as an isolated movement, without repercussions in the newspapers and without threatening public order, revealing the fragility of the unions.
d) in Brazil in the 1910s, there were laws protecting labor and social assistance, especially for women and children, which weakens the labor movement.
e) the cheapening of labor deepened the social differences that drove the frequent anarchist-inspired strikes in the early 20th century.
Q Question 11 - IF-SP - 2019 - IF-SP - About the General Strike of 1917, in São Paulo, we can say that:
(A) it strengthened the labor movement with the founding of the Brazilian Communist Party, in 1918.
(B) it had the expressive participation of women, especially in the textile industry.
(C) the movement failed due to the internal split between anarchists and trade union centrals.
(D) it ensured the regulation of child labor and the right to annual vacations in 1919.
Question 12 - UECE 2022.2 - On July 11, 1917, on the cover of a second edition of the São Paulo newspaper “A Gazeta” was the following headline:“Proletarian agitation spreads through all the factories – the São Paulo capital threatened with a general strike – Adhesions and more adhesions – The situation is very serious – meetings, meetings, conferences, disorders”. About this event, Edgard Leuenroth, Journalist, typographer and participant in the movement, reported “[...] The description of how that rally took place, considered one of the greatest manifestations in the history of the Brazilian proletariat, does not fit here. Suffice it to say that the immense crowd decided that the movement would only cease when its demands, summarized in the memorial of the Committee of Proletarian Defense, were met”. The Great General Strike of Workers in Brazil of 1917, which began in São Paulo and intensified after the death of the young José Martinez, a 21-year-old Spanish immigrant who worked as a shoemaker and was murdered by the São Paulo police, is characterized A) for representing an attempt, during World War I, to establish a socialist government in Brazil, motivated by the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia. B) as a result of the disagreement between the sectors of anarcho-syndicalism that predominated in the factories and the government of Campos Sales, linked to the PCB. C) the strong influence of European immigration, which brought to Brazil, in addition to workers, union organization and anarcho-syndicalism. D) as a local and specific reaction of São Paulo workers to police brutality, having no other political or economic character.
GABARITO 01 - A02 - E03 - D04 - B05 - D06 - E07 - A08 - A09 - D
10 - E
11 - B12 - C