History quiz

Exercises on the Prudente de Morais Government - with feedback

Question 01 - UVA 2006.2 - Prudente de Morais was the first civilian president to hold the Presidency of the Republic of Brazil. With it, begins:
A) an economic policy aimed at expanding the country's export bases, stimulating agricultural diversification.
B) the transition to the Republic of oligarchies, which represented the interests of the coffee sector, maintained in power through the "coffee with milk policy."
C) a phase of consolidation of the country's finances with the budgetary balance.
D) the rupture of diplomatic relations with Portugal .

Question 02 - FURB - 2019 - Timbó City Hall - SC - Read and fill in the blank:São Paulo _____________________ was the first civilian president of the First Republic, ending the period of the military governments of Deodoro da Fonseca and Floriano Peixoto. He took over the government in a period of political, economic and civil instability, as he had to face the remnants of the Encilhamento Policy, the Canudos War and the Federalist Revolution. Choose the alternative that correctly fills in the blank:
(A) Campos Sales
(B) Hermes da Fonseca
(C) Rodrigues Alves
(D) Afonso Pena
(E) Prudente de Moraes

Question 03 - IMA - 2019 - City Hall of Paço do Lumiar - MA - During the period of the First Republic in Brazil, disputes began between social segments involved in the regime change, especially between coffee growers and the military. In the second moment, the Oligarchic Republic emerged, supported by the coffee economy and governed by:
A) Deodoro da Fonseca.
B) Armed Forces.
C) Marshal Floriano Peixoto.
D) Prudente de Morais.

Question 04 - UEG 2013/2 - Prudent! Prudent and discreet
Like his grandfather, the Holy Man.
Very great grandfather! Great grandson,
The real thing!
BANDEIRA, Manuel. Star of life. Rio de Janeiro:Nova Fronteira, 1993. p. 275.
The poem “Prudente de Morais Neto” is addressed to the grandson of President Prudente de Morais, who ruled Brazil from 1894 to 1898, in whose government
a) he faced the War of Canudos, portrayed in Os sertões, by Euclides da Cunha.
b) modernized Rio de Janeiro, promoting an urban reform themed in Canaã, by Graça Aranha.
c) prioritized the construction of dams in the northeast, an event portrayed in Vidas secas, by Graciliano Ramos.
d) leveraged the national industry, a fact thematized in Parque Industrial, by Pagu.

Question 05 - FUVEST 2003 - Transfer – The successive election, between 1894 and 1902, of Prudente de Moraes, Campos Sales and Rodrigues Alves for the Presidency of the Republic expressed
a) the enthusiastic support of the different classes of Brazilian society for the republican regime, adopted in 1889.
b) the political harmony between the states of São Paulo, Minas Gerais and Rio Grande do Sul, places of origin of the three politicians.
c) the hegemonic role of São Paulo in national political life.
>d) the disappearance of the political influence of the military in Brazil.
e) the consolidation of Rio de Janeiro as the political capital of the new Republic.

01 - B
02 - E
03 - D
04 - A
05 - C