History quiz

Exercises on the Ernesto Geisel Government - with feedback

Question 01 - FUVEST 2003 - Transfer – It was up to President Ernesto Geisel a) define the strategy for handing over power by the military to civilians , through a controlled process that was slow, gradual and safe. b) nominate José Sarney as a candidate for the Presidency of the Republic with the objective of to eliminate Paulo Maluf from the dispute. c) appoint General João Figueiredo as Minister of War, assigning him the task of controlling the army's right-wing radicals. d) plan and organize the privatization of the entire state sector of the economy Brazilian. e) plan the lines of action to integrate the Brazilian economy into the market Latin American Common.
Question 02 - IBMEC 2006 - The government of President Ernesto Geisel, from 1974 to 1979, marked the beginning of the process of political opening in Brazil. However, some events during his government almost jeopardized this process. Tick ​​the alternative that does not correspond to events from that period: a) death of journalist Vladimir Herzog after being tortured on DOI premises -CODI in Sao Paulo. b) the MDB won more than a third of the Congress in the elections, making it difficult for the government to amend the constitution. c) death of metallurgical worker Manoel Fiel Filho during an interrogation session, at the DOI-CODI premises in São Paulo. d) Riocentro attack, attributed to the hardliners of the army, in which a car exploded killing a sergeant and wounding a captain. e) MDB victory in municipal elections in large cities, such as:Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Belo Horizonte, Porto Alegre and Salvador
Question 03 - UNIFOR - 2000.1 - The Falcão Law, passed in 1976, which limited electoral propaganda on radio and television, and the April Package enacted in 1977 were political mechanisms used by the government of President Geisel to (A) reestablish multipartyism through party reform. (B) accelerate the process of opening up and political redemocratization in the country . (C) prevent the victory of an MDB candidate in indirect elections from 1978. (D) restore political rights to exiles and reintegrate them into the society. (And) guarantee the participation of "dwarf" political parties in the elections from 1982.
Question 04 - UNESP 1998 - Taking over the government after the repressive period of General Medici, General Geisel intended to start a process of liberalization of the authoritarian regime. It was, however, a period marked by alternations of tenuous measures of openness and others of a discretionary nature. In 1977, the government publishes a set of measures known as “the April package”, whose characteristic was: (A) seek to prevent the victory of the opposition in the next elections. (B) frontally attack the action of the hard-line ”. (C) edit measures that mitigate the action of Institutional Act nº 5 (AI-5). (D) propose liberalizing measures in labor legislation. (E) impose coercive measures on the trade union movement.
Question 05 - UTFPR 2008 - Summer - 2nd exam/ Group 4 - In 1974, General Ernesto Geisel assumed the presidency of Brazil with the promise of the beginning of a slow transition process towards the end of the military dictatorship, in a “slow, gradual and safe” political opening. The oil crisis and the world recession interfered in the Brazilian economy, at a time when international credits and loans declined, marking the end of the economic miracle and the clear manifestation of popular dissatisfaction took place at the polls:in the elections of that same year, the MDB won 59% of the votes for the Senate, 48% of the Chamber of Deputies and won the mayor of most large cities. About this period of Brazilian history it is correct to say that: I) “Broad, general and unrestricted” amnesty was granted by law initiative of the Geisel government, with the inclusion of the main leaders linked to the government overthrown by the military coup in 1964, who were exiled. II) The hardliners, not content with the ways of the Geisel government, began to carry out clandestine attacks on members of the left. III) During the government of President Geisel, journalist Vladimir Herzog was assassinated in DOI-Codi's premises, causing discomfort in the military and intensifying criticism of the regime. IV) At the end of his government, President Geisel ended the AI-5 and restored habeas corpus. Only correct: A) I, II and III. B) I, III and IV. C) I and II. D) I and IV. E) II, III and IV.
Question 06 - CESGRANRIO - The set of facts listed below relate to the democratic opening process initiated by President Geisel, with EXCEPTION of one. Tick ​​it. a) The resignation of the Minister of War Sílvio Frota and the amnesty; b) The freedom to create new political parties, such as the UDN and PTB, and union pluralism; c) The election of Tancredo Neves and the end of the Security Law National; d) The promulgation of the 1988 Constitution and the elimination of censorship; e) The Diretas-Já Campaign and the creation of new parties politicians such as, among others, the PFL, PMDB and PDT.
Question 07 - UFRGS - With the so-called April Package, downloaded by then president Ernesto Geisel: a) the “bionic senators” appeared and the indirect elections were extended of state governors. b) it was determined that political prisoners, exchanged for kidnapped diplomats , would be banned from Brazil. c) a decree-law was published, according to which the president could call direct elections to the Executive. d) the political amnesty law was enacted, with restrictions on who had participated in the armed struggle. e) alliances were prohibited to choose candidates for the governments of the States, as well as the “linked vote”.
Question 08 - UFMG - The Distension Policy, carried out by General Ernesto Geisel, aimed at a) to reduce the political tension between the Government and the Opposition. b) expand the Government's support base with the Armed Forces. c) cancel the political actions of his predecessor, General Médici. d) ensure the survival of the Economic Miracle. e) resume strategic decisions defined by the Military Board.
Question 09 - MACKENZIE 1997 - According to the historian José Honório Rodrigues, his style was authoritarian, harsh, personal, too German for a people so little Germanic. However, the Ernesto Geisel government was responsible: a) due to the resurgence of repression and the apogee of the economic model implemented after 1964 . b) for the beginning of the Political Opening, extinction of the AI-5 and hard-line confrontation. c) by the economic miracle, marked by intense consumerism of the urban middle classes . d) for political concessions to the "hard line" that ended up indicating the president's successor, General Silvio Frota.
Question 10 - FGV-SP 2003 - The so-called “April Package”, sets of measures enacted by President Ernesto Geisel in 1977, represented: a) the institutionalization of the military dictatorship, insofar as it created mechanisms of repression of the opposition, through a series of institutional acts, among them the AI-5. b) the inauguration of the policy of slow and gradual opening, as in which it established the direct and universal vote for the choice of senators and deputies. c) the government's reaction to the opposition's electoral achievements, as in which it imposed restrictions, such as the indirect election of one-third of senators by state electoral colleges. d) the setback in the policy of slow and gradual opening, as in which it imposed censorship, hitherto non-existent, on all media. e) the end of the military dictatorship, as it established the direct elections for all government positions, including the presidency of the Republic.
Question 11 - PUC-Rio 2009 - Regarding the process of political opening, which began in the government of General Ernesto Geisel (1974-1979), ANALYZE the statements below. I - The process of political opening was marked by advances and setbacks, the so-called April Package being a set of measures that represented a “step back” in the liberalization of the regime. II - The liberalization of the military regime took place in practice in a calm way, without the government facing opposition from groups that were against the “slow, gradual and safe” political opening project. III - Congress approved the end of AI-5, the end of prior censorship and the re-establishment of habeas corpus for political crimes, thus consolidating the liberalization of the regime. IV - During the Geisel administration, opposition groups returned to mobilize, especially the student movement and the labor movement, with the São Bernardo strike. CHOOSE the correct alternative. (A) Only statements I and II are correct. (B) Only statements I and III are correct. (C) Only statements I, II and III are correct. (D) Only statements I, III and IV are correct. (E) All statements are correct.

Question 12 - FGV-SP 2008 - Economics - 1st phase - General Ernesto Geisel, Arena candidate, easily defeated the opposition representative in January 1974. (...) the new president began the process of flexibilizing the regime through his policy of détente, which foresaw a series of partial changes (softening of censorship and repressive measures, and negotiations with opposition sectors). Its objective was to alleviate the tensions arising from the exercise of power under such authoritarian rules and to broaden the government's support base through the cooperation of sectors of the opposition. (Flavio de Campos, Oficina de História – História do Brasil)
Despite the announcement of political détente, during this government there were setbacks in this process, represented
a) by the imposition of AI-5 and the organization of OBAN.
b) for the creation of the Escola Superior de Guerra and for the banning of the Frente Amplio .
c) by the decree of the National Security Law and by the granting of ARENA and the MDB.
d) for the postponement of the 1978 elections and the creation of the SNI.
e) for the imposition of the April Package and the Falcão Law.

Question 13 - UNESP 2009/2 - 1st day - Although the crisis was already manifesting itself when General Geisel took office, his economic plan [II National Development Plan] continued to maintain the same expectations of previous years:high rates of economic growth and control of inflation. (Nadine Habert, The 70s– Apogee and crisis of the Brazilian military dictatorship)
The adoption of the II National Development Plan generated, at the end of the Geisel government ,
a) an economic stagnation, associated with a process of deflation of imported goods .
b) an accessory change in the economic model, which began to privilege the market and income distribution.
c) an increase in the participation of the State in the economy and a considerable growth in the Brazilian foreign debt.
d) above-planned economic growth, but with higher rates of unemployment during the military regime.
e) the direct intervention of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), requiring the payment of delayed installments of the external debt.

Question 14 - Mackenzie 2005/2 - Ernesto Geisel's government was associated with the process of political opening, defined by the president as slow, gradual and safe. However, serious obstacles hampered his proposal. Among them,
a) the approval of the Amnesty Law, including, by pressure from the Hard Line, those accused of torture.
b) the sending of a letter bomb to the OAB and the kidnapping of civil society leaders.
c) the deaths of Wladimir Herzog and Manuel Fiel Filho, which triggered serious crisis with the commander of the Second Army in São Paulo.
d) the Dante de Oliveira amendment, which proposed direct elections and clashed with slow and gradual opening.
e) the Riocentro episode and the handling of the survey related to it , by the authorities.

Question 15 - UFF 2011 - The Brazilian political opening, which took place in the mid-1980s, began in the administration of General Ernesto Geisel in 1974, taking more than thirteen years to lead to a democratic regime, following a “slow, gradual and secure” strategy. The long duration of this process can be explained by some conflicts, especially the one between
(A) politicians linked to the Arena versus politicians linked to the Renewal Party National.
(B) military sectors of the Escola Superior de Guerra versus military sectors of the information bodies.
(C) urban middle class segments versus rural middle class segments .
(D) industrial entrepreneurs versus low-ranking officers of the Armed Forces.
(And) indigenous communities in the Amazon versus workers in the ABC region of São Paulo.

Question 16 -CEFET-MG - 2006-2 - FUNEC Integrated Technician - The process of political opening unleashed in the Geisel government, from 1975, did NOT allow the (o)
a) amnesty for exiled citizens.
b) intensification of the armed struggle in Brazil.
c) dismantling of Institutional Act nº 2.
d) resumption of the multiparty principle.

01 - A
02 - D
03 - C
04 - A
05 - E
06 - B
07 - A
08 - A
09 - B
10 - C
11 - D
12 - E
13 - C
14 - C
15 - B
16 - B