History quiz

Exercises on the Dilma Rousseff Government - with feedback

Question 01 - Before the campaign period for the Presidency, Dilma was opposed to:a) Racial quota b) Privatization c) Free press d) Tax reform
Question 02 - IGEC 2018/4 - On October 31, 2010, with the end of the counting of votes for the second round, _______________ defeated the PSDB candidate, __________, by obtaining the majority of votes:55,752,529. Mark the correct alternative.a) Fernando Haddad - Aécio Nevesb) Flávio Dino - Geraldo Alckminc) Dilma Rousseff - José Serrad) Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva - Fernando Henrique Cardoso
Question 03 - IGEC 2019/1 - She was the first woman to be elected President of the Republic in Brazil. Elected twice, in 2010 and in 2014. Choose the correct alternative.
a) Heloísa Helena
b) Dilma Rousseff
c) Marina Silva
d) Luciana Genro

Question 04 - IBFC 2011 - FJPO - José Pedro de Oliveira Foundation - SP - The following news was published on the Jornal O Globo website on 10/17/2011:“Dilma Rousseff sanctioned, this Monday, the law that creates the Support Program for Environmental Conservation. Bolsa Verde, as it is called, will pay R$ 300 per quarter to families in extreme poverty who live in Federal Conservation Units and are committed to adopting actions to preserve them...” “The creation of the Development Program to Rural Productive Activities was also published today in the Federal Official Gazette. The objective is to stimulate the generation of work and income with sustainability, through educational and professional training, in addition to ensuring food security.”
According to what was published in the article above, about the current government's vision , we can say:
a) The government believes that income distribution is one of the engines of economic growth.
b) The rural segment is more important than the urban segment because it is where our general supply.
c) Professional training concentrated in universities hinders the development of rural areas. Support centers for rural workers in agreement with private individuals should be created instead of the government doing this for free.
d) The government fears that, due to Brazil's exposure today, other countries will appropriate our lands.

Question 05 - ESAF - 2013 - MF - Specialist in Public Policy and Government Management -
The Greater Brazil Plan expresses the industrial policy of the Dilma Rousseff government. The Plan's proposal is organized in the form of actions aimed at increasing the productive efficiency of the economy as a whole, combined with sectoral actions. The proposed measures do not include:
a) the exemption of investments and imports.
b) the expansion and simplification of financing for investment and exports.
c) the increase in the tax burden to products aimed at the foreign market as a way to finance domestic investments.
d) the expansion of resources for innovation.

Question 06 - Unilavras - 2018 - Municipality of Bom Despacho - MG - EEB - Specialist in Basic Education -
Created on November 8, 2012 by the then President Dilma Rousseff, the public educational policy aimed at valuing and professionalizing teachers, having repercussions as a condition for an emancipatory education, which seeks to guarantee the literacy of students and Teacher appreciation is called
A) National Pact for Literacy in the Right Age.
B) Literacy Teacher Training Program.
C) Pro-Literacy.
D) National Literacy Plan at the Right Age.

Question 07 - PONTUA - 2013 - Jaguarão City Hall - RS - Worker - General Services -
In the area of ​​health, __________, an action aimed at reducing poverty in early childhood, was launched in May 2012 by President Dilma Rousseff, and aims to expand the prevention and treatment of some diseases that affect the children. Choose the alternative below that CORRECTLY fill in the blank above:
a) Brasil Carinhoso.
b) Brasil Criança.
c) Healthy Child.
d) Healthy Childhood Package.
d) Healthy Childhood Package.
br />e) Brazil Childhood.

Question 08 - CONSULPLAN - 2014 - MAPA - Administrative Agent - Launched by President Dilma Rousseff through a Provisional Measure, the “Mais Médicos” program was identified as a federal government instrument to combat the shortage of medical professionals in small or remote cities and on the outskirts of large cities. About this program, which generates great social and political discussion, mark V for true statements and F for false ones.
( ) Entities, such as the Federal Council of Medicine (CFM) and the Federal Public Ministry, have become defenders of the exemption of foreigners from the diploma revalidation exam.
( ) Cuban doctors are included in the program through an agreement between the governments of Brazil and Cuba, carried out through the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO).
( ) The program includes investments in the Unified Health System, changes the curricular guidelines of medical courses and defines rules for opening new faculties.
( ) The program provides for the recruitment of doctors from abroad who compete for vacancies available in the municipalities on an equal basis with Brazilian doctors.
The sequence is correct in
A) F, F, V, V.
B) F, V, V, F.
C) V, F, V, F.
D) V, V, F, F.

Question 09 - Quadrix - 2013 - CRF- SP - Lawyer - "The document that we approved today does not go back in relation to the achievements of 1992. It does not go back in relation to the Johannesburg Summit" (G1, 22/06/2012). These were the words of President Dilma Rousseff in her closing speech at the UN. This document concerns
A) the repression experienced by her and her companions during the military dictatorship in Brazil.
B) The conclusions of the Rio+20 Conference whose agenda was sustainable development.
C) The recent criticism made by the Brazilian government of the United Nations.
D) The diplomatic situation in Brazil in relation to the recent conflicts that took place in Libya.
E) The problems involving the 2010 World Cup in Africa of the South.

Question 10 - MPE-GO - 2018 - Assistant Secretary - Goiás - Regarding Brazil at the beginning of the 21st century, it is correct to say that:
a) it had, with the election of President Lula, the continuity of neoliberal proposals, considering that this president was a strong defender of the ideas of the Brazilian Social Democracy Party.
b) in the second Lula government, from 2007 to 2010, the Bolsa Família social program was extinguished, given that the Brazilian economic model had surpassed social inclusion, no longer requiring assistance actions.
c) with the election of Dilma Rousseff to the Presidency of the Republic, the PSDB and PFL parties became part of the government, supporting the country's new economic development program, PRONATEC, which defends the nationalization of all foreign companies.
d) Dilma Rousseff's government suffered a strong crisis of contestation to its actions, as against corruption in several sectors and spheres in the country, in the period before the Confederations Cup in 2013.
e) in an attitude similar to that of Getú In the 1950s, when creating PETROBRÁS, President Dilma Rousseff managed, with the support of the National Congress, to guarantee the exclusive exploitation of Oil in the Pre-Salt layer, preventing the subdivision of this layer to foreign companies.

Question 11 - CESPE - 2013 - FUB - Administration Assistant -
In June 2013, a series of social demonstrations took to the streets of Brazil. On this subject, judge the following items. President Dilma Rousseff was intransigent with the demonstrations and did not propose measures to meet the protesters' demands.
( ) Right
( ) Wrong

Question 12 - FGV test - 2018 - TJ-SC - Administrative Analyst -
“The data available in the Basómetro show that President Dilma Rousseff has faced greater difficulties in articulating the government's interests with Congress, especially in the Chamber, compared to the FHC and Lula administrations. Some of her allies attribute this problem to the president's lack of political dialogue.” The excerpt presented, taken from the “Estadão” website, represents a problem related to the concept of:
A) governability;
B) governance;
C) jurisdiction;
D ) economy;
E) legality.
Question 13 - FDF 2017 - The impeachment of Dilma Rousseff, approved by the Senate in August 2016, originated from a request for the opening of a process, in which the president was accused of(A) electoral crime, administrative incapacity and disrespect for the autonomy of the National Congress.(B) ) crime of passion, persecution of political opponents and attempt to implement a socialist regime in the country. (C) crime of fiscal responsibility, disrespect for the budget law and administrative improbity. (D) fiscal crime, disrespect for the autonomy of Petrobras and adoption of neoliberal economic policy.

01 - B
Comment :Dilma, following the ideology of her party, is against privatization. However, she pointed out, during an interview in May 2010, that she was in favor of "granting new hydroelectric plants and roads to the private sector, when it is cheaper to do so through concessions than through public works".

/>02 - C
03 - B
04 - A
05 - C
06 - A
07 - A
08 - B
>09 - B
10 - D
11 - WRONG
12 - A
13 - C