On the doctrine of Marcion of Sinope (85-150 AD), which was in force among some Christian communities in the first century after Christ, it is correct to say that:
a) became the main criterion for interpreting the Old Testament.
b) defended the divinity of Mary.
c) advocated the non-existence of Hell.
d) criticized the practice of indulgence.
e) was considered heresy by the "Church Fathers".
question 2The main feature of Marcionite thought, which became the Marcionite canon, was:
a) the denial of the divinity of Jesus.
b) the complete denial of the Old Testament.
c) the denial of the ability to interpret the Holy Scriptures.
d) the complete denial of the New Testament.
e) the rejection of the four canonical gospels.
question 3The main aspect of the heretical doctrine of Marcionism was that there was no connection between the Old and New Testaments. One of the main consequences of this statement was:
a) the revitalization of interpretations of the ancient Hebrew prophets.
b) the contribution to the defense of the dogma of the Holy Trinity.
c) the denial of the relationship between God the Father and God the Son, the latter having been predicted and announced by the prophets of the Old Testament.
d) the elaboration of a criterion to combat the heresies that allowed the reading of the Old Testament.
e) the elaboration of an interpretation of the prefiguration of Jesus Christ in Old Testament passages.
question 4Despite preserving the texts of the New Testament, Marcion even removed some passages from the Gospels in which direct references to the connection between God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Spirit appeared. With this attitude, it is false to say that:
a) Marcion fell into disrepute after his death, leaving no followers.
b) Marcion was excommunicated in 144 AD
c) The Marcionite heresy continued even after his death.
d) There was an incompatibility between Marcionism and the doctrine of the Trinity.
e) There was an incompatibility between the traditional Christian canon and the canon of Marcion.
answers Question 1Letter E
Marcion was considered a heretic by the Church Fathers and excommunicated in 144 AD. However, his ideas continued to spread in the intellectual circles of the late ancient world for the next two centuries.
Question 2Letter B
The Old Testament was rejected by Marcion, because he saw in the Scriptures a God incompatible with Christ. Since the latter would be a figure of peace and love, while the former, a figure of hatred and tyranny.
Question 3Letter C
Marcionism, by denying the Old Testament, also denied the connection between the persons of the Trinity and the dogmatic truth, elaborated since the apostolic age of the Church, that Christ is prefigured in the Scriptures and is announced by the prophets.
Question 4Letter A
After Marcion's death, his heretical canon still held sway for the next two centuries.