Historical Figures

Who used ideas from John Locke?

* Thomas Jefferson: Jefferson was heavily influenced by Locke's ideas on natural rights, and he incorporated many of these ideas into the Declaration of Independence.

* James Madison: Madison was another Founding Father who was influenced by Locke, and he helped to draft the Constitution of the United States, which reflects many of Locke's principles.

* Baron de Montesquieu: Montesquieu was a French philosopher who was also influenced by Locke. He developed the theory of separation of powers, which is a fundamental principle of the American government.

* Jean-Jacques Rousseau: Rousseau was a Swiss philosopher who was also influenced by Locke. He developed the idea of the social contract, which is the basis for many modern democratic governments.

* Immanuel Kant: Kant was a German philosopher who was also influenced by Locke. He developed the idea of categorical imperative, which is a moral principle that states that one should act only according to a maxim that one could will to become a universal law.

* John Stuart Mill: Mill was a British philosopher who was also influenced by Locke. He developed the idea of utilitarianism, which is a moral theory that states that the best action is the one that produces the greatest amount of happiness for the greatest number of people.