Therefore, the value of a Zehn Millionen Mark paper from August 22, 1923, is considered negligible and close to zero in today's terms.
Therefore, the value of a Zehn Millionen Mark paper from August 22, 1923, is considered negligible and close to zero in today's terms.
Ancient Egyptian physician, Meryt-Ptah (27th century BC) is the first woman in history mentioned as a physician. Beloved of Ptah Méryt-Ptah exercises during the IIIth Egyptian dynasty, Old Kingdom of Egypt, 27th century BC. Her name means “beloved of the god Ptah“, god of craftsmen and architects.
On the death of Kesari Singh Barhath, many poets of Rajasthan wrote poetic tributes, in which good light has been thrown on his personality, creativity and importance. Some lines of songs written on Kesari Singh Barath are as follows- Udayraj Ujjwal has written- Adig Des Anurag, Poojaro Rajput Ro.
Now the civil disobedience movement was in the hands of Sardar Patel, so it was natural for it to intensify. The program got so fast that the Ghori government panicked and banned the activities of the Congress Working Committee and sealed its offices across the country. On this Sardar Patel roared
Poetess from Pate Island (Kenya), Mwana Kupona binti Msham (circa 1810 -1865) wrote the long poem Utendi wa Mwana Kupona (“The Book of Mwana Kupona”), which marks the birth of Swahili literature. A little-known life What little we know of Mwana Kuponas life comes from his work and from the tes