This anime consists of 43 chapters lasting approximately 25 minutes each, being broadcast for the first time between April 4, 1972 and March 27, 1973 by the network MBS (Mainichi Broadcasting System), every TTuesday at 7:00 p.m. (Japan time). Subsequently, this series would reach other parts of Asia during the decade of the 70s and 80s, to finally also reach France (1980), Portugal (1982), Brazil (1985) and Spain (1985); it was not seen outside of Asia or Europe.
Years later a *live action * movie is produced that will also have its sequel, whose main characters bear some similarity to "Captain Star Light", "Capitaine Flam" of French and Spanish production respectively
This animated series tells the adventures of Captain Akira Shinjyo *(Captain Star Light) and his crew aboard his spaceship: "The Light". After a great war has left Earth in destruction, humanity will have the need to explore other planets in search of resources that help reforestation work, for this Earth, has sent dozens of ships with that mission aboard; but when several disappear without notice and they do not make any kind of communication the "Light is launched" with Captain Starr Light at the head that seeks to get to know everything, but what this crew can encounter in its course are very diverse dangers such as enemies (some will look human), monsters and other things very rare but still existing.