Historical Figures

Why was tutankhamans death mask made?

Tutankhamun's death mask was not made specifically for his death. Instead, it was created as part of his burial outfit, likely with the intention of protecting and preserving his spirit in the afterlife. The ancient Egyptians believed in a concept called the ka, which represented the life force or vital essence of a person. They believed that in order for the ka to continue to exist in the afterlife, the body had to be preserved as much as possible. This led to the development of elaborate burial practices, including mummification and the creation of funerary masks. Tutankhamun's death mask was made of solid gold and covered his entire head and neck. It features intricate detailing, including carefully engraved facial features, inlaid glass eyes, and a striped headdress. The mask was designed to make Tutankhamun look like the god Osiris, the ruler of the underworld and god of resurrection. By wearing the mask, Tutankhamun hoped to secure his place in the afterlife and ensure the continuance of his spirit.