Historical Figures

Emperor Justinian

Although of low birth, Justinien inherited the throne thanks to his uncle the Emperor Justin who called him to court. Dreaming of reunifying the then Great Roman Empire, Justinian, Emperor of the East, legislates and wishes to impose this code (Justinian code) on all the territories he sets out to conquer. He reforms the country administratively, establishes Christianity as the religion of empire, but cannot resolve the dissensions that exist. He had many monuments built, notably religious ones such as the Hagia Sophia, burnt down during an insurrection, the Nika sedition, which almost cost him the throne. Arts and culture flourished under Justinian thanks to the enrichment of the kingdom due, in particular, to the development of international trade (China, Gaul, etc.). But his empire, which again extends around the Mediterranean, is heavy to govern, and the restoration of the Great Roman Empire will die out with him. His successors, in fact, will refocus on the eastern part. The Emperor Justinian is the link between the Eastern Roman Empire and the Byzantine Empire of which he is the cornerstone.

Around 483 - 565


Head of State

Eastern Roman Emperor

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