Historical Figures

Clovis I (465 - 511)

Son of Childeric I, Clovis climbed the bulwark at the age of 15. He then undertook the conquest of Gaul, and defeated the Roman general Syagrius (successor of Aegidius) at Soissons and the Alamanni at Tolbiac. Under the influence of his wife Clotilde and Bishop Rémi, he converted to Catholicism and became the first Roman Catholic barbarian king. From then on, the conquest continued, he defeated Alaric II king of the Visigoths at the battle of Vouillé. Having united all the Franks under his authority, he left his kingdom to his four sons:Thierry I, Clodomir, Childebert I and Clotaire I.

See the article dedicated to the character

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