Charles IV le Bel is the last king of the so-called direct Capetian dynasty. Also king of Navarre, he is the son of Philippe IV le Bel and Jeanne Ière de Navarre. In 1307, he had married Blanche de Bourgogne, condemned for adultery in 1315. Charles IV then married Marie de Luxembourg then her cousin Jeanne d'Évreux. From these unions were born only daughters. On his death, the throne of France passed into the hands of the Valois, his representative being his cousin Philippe VI of Valois.
Philip IV, known as the Beautiful, king of France from 1285 to 1314, owes his nickname to his immense stature and the beauty of his impassive face. “It is neither a man nor a beast, it is a statue .” said of him the French prelate Bernard Saisset. His reign is considered by historians to be one of t