As India's independence was approaching, an atmosphere of mistrust was building all around in India. Jinnah and the Muslim League distrusted the Congress and the Congress distrusted Viceroy Wavell. The Viceroy had distrust in the Government of England and Prime Minister Attlee did not trust the Viceroy. There was also an atmosphere of mutual distrust among Indian leaders. Sardar Patel and Jawaharlal Nehru considered the partition of India inevitable
But Congress President Maulana Abul Kalam and Gandhiji wanted to stop the partition at any cost. Jinnah wanted partition to be declared before independence. Sardar Patel believed that Wavell would keep India under British rule for another ten years, in the concern of preventing the possibility of civil war in the country and to create goodwill between Hindus and Muslims. Congress was blaming the British
That the British of India are deliberately helping the Muslim League so that the quarrel remains and their rule too. The British were accusing the Congress that Congress is not able to make any compromise with the Muslim League.
On the other hand, on 20 February 1947, the British Prime Minister Attlee had declared that by June 1948, power would be handed over to the Indians under any circumstances. If Indians do not come together to find a solution that to whom the power should be handed over, then the government will hand over the governance of India to whomever it thinks fit.
In March 1947, Lord Mountbatten was sent as the Governor General and Viceroy of India. His task was to hand over the rule of India to the Indians and drive the British out of India safely.