On the other hand Gandhi was preparing for the Dandi Yatra and here Sardar carrying his bag was going from village to village and raining fire with speeches. Sardar informed the people that during the civil disobedience movement, taxation, rent ban, liquor ban, salt satyagraha, jungle satyagraha, ganja, cannabis and foreign cloth shops, boycotting government schools, colleges and courts and non-cooperation with government programs Programs etc. will be organized.
Patel's speeches were beginning to make people understand what the Civil Disobedience Movement meant. The Ghori government was frightened by this awakening of the Sardar. He put a stop to Sardar's speeches but Sardar continued his work. Now only seven days were left for the Dandi Yatra to begin. On 7 March 1930, Sardar arrived in Ras village near Borsad to address a huge public meeting.
When they started going to the meeting, the magistrate stopped them and ordered them not to give speeches. The Sardar refused to obey this order. On this he was immediately taken prisoner to Borsad where he was sentenced to three months imprisonment. Sardar could not deliver a single word speech in Ras, yet he happily accepted this punishment.
One day the young man whose name had made a splash in the whole of London, today the same young man was taken prisoner in his own country by the whites who came from London. When the countrymen got this news, the flame of anger erupted in the country. There were dharnas, demonstrations, public meetings from place to place.
A huge public meeting was held in Ahmedabad. In this assembly, 75 thousand gorges opened together to take an oath that till the country is not independent, they will continue to fight, walk on the path of truth and non-violence and will not bow down to injustice. 500 people from Ras village were also in this meeting where Sardar could not deliver his speech. He took an oath that he would also take an active part in the Satyagraha.
Sardar's popularity had reached its peak. Hundreds of people left government jobs to follow his path. These resignations testified to the extent to which the people loved their chieftain. On 12 March 1930, Gandhiji along with 79 workers started his journey on foot from Sabarmati Ashram to Dandi on the beach.
At the time when Gandhiji started his journey, Sardar Patel recited Gita in jail after taking bath and meditating and prayed to God to make Gandhi's journey successful so that the path of India's independence could be opened. Gandhi completed the journey of about 200 miles in 24 days.
Gandhiji reached Dandi on 5 April 1930. After self-purification on 6th April, Gandhiji broke the salt law by making salt from sea water. Sardar Patel's only penance was working behind the fame that the Dandi Yatra got.