Some of the melon seeds found in Sardinia
The Sardinians were the first to cultivate melon in Europe?
It would seem so according to the discovery in a well of Sa Osa (Cabras, Oristano), of 47 melon seeds dating back to a period between 1310 and 1120 BC. (Bronze Age).
The discovery is very important as it is the first sure evidence of melon cultivation in the Mediterranean area.
The results of the morphological and genetic analyzes on the finds are now awaited to find out more about their origin and nature.
For more information and images click here:http://www.repubblica.it/salute/alIMENTO/2015/02/18/news/furono_i_sardi_i_primi_a_coltivare_il_melone_in_europa-107617850/#gallery-slider=107623895 ( Photos from:repubblica.it).