Archaeological discoveries

Archaeological site number 7, Mueang Sema


General Condition

It is located within the outer city of Sema. Away from the ancient monument No. 8 to the northeast about 100 meters. The condition before the excavation was covered with forests. There are traces of digging for treasure. The present condition has been excavated, restored and landscape improvement by the Fine Arts Department, in good condition.

Height above mean sea level

220-222 meters


Lam Ta Khong, Mun River, tributaries such as Huai Phai.

Geological conditions

[See Muang Sema]

Archaeological Era

historical era


Dvaravati period, Khmer period

Archaeological age

Buddhist century 12-18

Types of archaeological sites

religious place

archaeological essence

Archaeological site number 7, Muang Sema, is a castle-shaped building made of bricks. There is a square plan, size 9.60 x 9.60 meters, damaged condition, only the base is about 1.80 meters high. The south wall, which is the front, is a recessed base with stairs leading up and down, while the remaining three bases in the center form a stairway leading up to the pseudo-gate, in the north, there are stucco marks indicating that this pseudo-gate is an arch enshrining idols. The two walls of the stairs are made of concave rectangular frames, which are still decorated with stucco patterns.

Construction Techniques Inside the building is a square-shaped room filled with sandstone layered up and then plastered with white plaster as the floor. Next to the sandstone masonry surrounding another layer, the bricks used for construction look like large bricks with rice husks mixed with rice husks. It is a brick used in Dvaravati culture. It was built without plaster and decorated with stucco patterns.

from excavation in 1999 Many stucco fragments were found. and sandstone Buddha images (Puranarak 2542 Partnership:102-106) assumed that it is a religious place in Buddhism.

Archaeological Site No. 7, Muang Sema, may be a castle-shaped building in the South Indian style in Dvaravati culture (Khemika Wangsuk 2000:171). It is similar to Ban Ja Leh Archaeological Site No. 3 at Yarang Ancient Town. Pattani Province (Ponthip Phanthukowit 2004 :3-4)

Amornrat Phiyakul