Ancient history

Stalingrad:German forces

In November 1942, the Wehrmacht had deployed, under the command of Friedrich Paulus, the Sixth Army, composed of:

IV Army Corps

* 29th Motorized Infantry Division

* 397th Infantry Division

* 361st Infantry Division

VIII Army Corps

* 76th Infantry Division

* 113th Infantry Division

XI Corps

* 44th Infantry Division

* 375th Infantry Division

* 384th Infantry Division

XIV Army Corps

* 3rd Motorized Infantry Division

* 60th Motorized Infantry Division

* 16th Armored Division

LI Corps

* 71st Infantry Division

* 49th Infantry Division

* 94th Infantry Division

* 100th Fighter Division

* 295th Infantry Division

* 305th Infantry Division

* 389th Infantry Division

* 14th Armored Division

* 24th Armored Division


* IV Air Fleet
* IX Div. of DA (ground troops)

VIII Air Corps

5th Organization Sappers (Troops Below Ground)