History of North America

Why you don't want to personally evaluate James Monroe, the fifth president of the United States

I personally don't like it, but James Monroe, the fifth president of the United States, has a politically flashy track record.

The 5th President of the United States

James Monroe is also from the Virginia landowner class.

Naturally, given that America's first colony was Virginia, it's worth noting that four of the fifth generation are from the Virginia landowner class.

James Monroe, like Thomas Jefferson, enrolled at William &Mary University, but during his time at the Battle of Lexington and Concord, Monroe also participated in the American Revolutionary War.

After his independence, he did not return to college and studied law under Thomas Jefferson from the state and college.

He was elected to the House of Representatives of Virginia in 1782 and was a member of the Congress of the Confederation from 1783 to 1786.

He became a member of the Senate in 1790, a party leader in 1791, and an ambassador to France from 1794.

During James' stay in France, during the storm after the French Revolution, he was active in the release of Thomas Paine, who had been imprisoned for opposition to the execution of Louis XVI, but clearly revealed the French Revolution. The ambassador to France is dismissed by George Washington for his support.

At that time, the US government was neutral in order not to worsen relations with the United Kingdom and other European countries, and James was considered to be against it.

In modern times, the United States tends to get into the circumstances of various nations, but until World War II, the basic line was neutralism, which did not intervene in European countries.

Upon returning, James spent 1799-1802 as Governor of Virginia, during which time Virginia had legislation restricting free blacks and restricting the education, movement and employment of slaves.

This is a law passed in the wake of a slave rebellion led by a person named Gabriel, in which 26 slaves under Gabriel were hanged.

From 1803, he was appointed as Ambassador to the United Kingdom under the Jefferson administration until 1807. He was Secretary of State under James Madison's administration and will be the fifth President of the United States after Madison's term.

Monroe Doctrine

It can be said that Monroe's term was a time when the world moved a lot.

After the defeat of Napoleon, Europe leaned toward reactionaryism due to the Vienna regime, and Russia embarked on a southward policy due to the weakening of Ottoman Turkey, and the momentum for independence increased in South America and Central America.

The United States supports the independence of the nations of the Americas from Europe, and issues the "Monroe Declaration (Monroe Doctrine)" to the effect that the Americas will be decided by the Americas. It is this part that appears in world history textbooks.

This textbook declares mutual non-interference between Europe and the Americas, and the reason why the United States did not participate in World War I and the fact that the United States did not participate in World War II also kept the principle around here. It can be said that this is the result.

Therefore, it can be said that the United States could not actively participate in the war in Europe and had to provoke Japan, which has an alliance with Germany.

In any case, it is certain that this Monroe Declaration established American isolation.

In the process, it acquired Florida from Spain and expanded the territory of the United States.


Few people say Monroe is the great president of America. That would be proof that the country of America is sound.

Monroe was a racist.

He is the owner of a large plantation (farm), and unlike Thomas Jefferson and others, he is famous for imposing harsh labor on black slaves, and he lives a very luxurious life on the basis of that. Was doing.

The term of office of President Monroe was between 1817 and 1825, during which the famous "Missouri Compromise" was established.

The United States of America at that time was a federal state consisting of 22 states. The breakdown is that the slave states that allow slavery are in competition with 11 and the free states that prohibit slavery are in competition with 11, and when the Missouri Territory was promoted to a state, this balance was lost.

Missouri is affirming slavery, which causes the federal parliament to refuse to promote Missouri to the state because of the increased slave states. However, various compromises eventually promoted Missouri to a state as a slave state, which led to a majority of slave affirmatives in the United States.

The Missouri Compromise has great significance in telling the history of the United States, which eventually led to the Scott Dread incident, which eventually led to the large-scale civil war in the United States, the Civil War. ) ”.

It wasn't just blacks that Monroe discriminated against.

He persecuted Native Americans more severely than blacks. He was the man who forced Native Americans to relocate west of Mississippi, and was the one who carried out the unprovoked genocide in Florida.

James Monroe is a white-dominated racist, and the set of policies he has taken against Indians is ethnic cleansing, a historical crime.

In 1786, Benjamin Franklin, one of the founding fathers of the United States, wrote to his French friends:

"Almost all of the wars between Indians and whites are the result of whites doing some wrongdoing against Indians."

The problem of racial discrimination is still a negative history of America, and it can be said that it is the true history of America.

Even the most powerful people are like this, so you can see how American society tolerated racism.

At the same time, it is possible to understand how courageous Abraham Lincoln was, who shouted for the liberation of slaves.

Monroe died of pneumonia on July 4, 1831, just 55 years after the founding of the United States.

He was in debt during his presidency and had to part with his plantations.

Like Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, the US president says his term tends to be less fortune than before his term.

This is similar to becoming poor when it comes to consuls in the Roman Republic.

Regardless of the content, it can be said that the president of the United States is required to have strong patriotism and responsibility, and must face it in the spirit of annihilation.

Personal evaluation of James Monroe

Monroe's racist character is not given a piece of evaluation, but the basic Monroe textbooks of the United States and the Americas must be evaluated.

He was the one who laid the foundation for a strong American, and it is certain that the population of the United States was greatly increased during the time of Monroe.

He can be said to be the president who laid the foundations of America in both good and bad ways.