Portrait of Jean-Paul Marat. Did the revolutionary have Hodgkin's disease?
We all know the image of Jean-Paul Marat spilled in the bathtub after the dagger blow inflicted on him by Charlotte Corday just as Jacques-Louis David handed it down to us in a painting that has become the most famous of the French Revolution , we all also know that the ruthless leader suffered from a mysterious disease that forced him to spend most of his days soaking, but what disease was it?
The most accredited version wants him to suffer from herpetic eczema , a topic that I have already dealt with in a special post: https://www.pilloledistoria.it/2483/storia-moderna/leczema-marat.
However, there are also other theories in this regard, which although less plausible, it is worth mentioning.
Since the sources cite a disease that manifested itself with severe headaches, fever and an unbearable itchy skin, someone ventured the hypothesis that Marat suffered from Hodgkin's disease, a serious tumor of the lymphatic glands, while someone else said it was biliary cirrhosis.
Will the truth ever be known? .