Historical Figures


Adopted son of the Emperor Claudius, Nero takes over from his father when the latter dies, poisoned; he is only 17 years old. His decisions are strongly inspired by Seneca or his mother, Agrippina. But he is gaining confidence. Threatened by his half-brother, Britannicus, legitimate son of Claude, he does not hesitate to have him poisoned or to have his own mother assassinated. In the year 64, while he was in Antium, a huge fire ravaged Rome, reducing the capital to ashes and causing thousands of deaths. Knowing the ideas of Nero to rebuild Rome, the plebs suspect him of being at the origin of the drama... Also, the emperor designates the ideal culprits; this will be the first Christian persecution. In 65, he discovered the conspiracy of Pison (conspiracy against Nero) and forced the conspirators to die. Nero reigns as a tyrant, indulges in debauchery and has the audacity to step onto the stage. The senators dismiss him, so Nero commits suicide to escape the torture of the parricides. He remains, however, beloved by the people due to his good administration of the Empire.

December 15, 37 - June 9, 68


Roman Emperor

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