Study History >>
sitemap >> Page:21:
Fall of the Roman Empire
Law of the Twelve Tables
Industrial Revolution Questions
Renaissance:Characteristics and Historical Context
Cultural Renaissance
Modern State
Enlightenment Philosophers
Social Agreement
The Seven Wonders of the Modern World
Phone History
English Revolution
Scientific Renaissance
Absolute State
Adam Smith
Modern Age
Renaissance Humanism
Exercises on the Protestant Reformation
The Prince of Machiavelli
Glorious Revolution (1688)
Political Liberalism
Seven Years' War
Reformation and Counter-Reformation
Characteristics of Mercantilism
What is Humanism?
Sagres School
Osama bin Laden
Independence of Catalonia
All About World War I
Vienna Convention
Apollo 11
Kim Jong-un
Holodomor:The Great Famine in Ukraine
Sputnik Satellites
Chinese Cultural Revolution
Geocide in Rwanda (1994)
Understand the Suffragist Movement:its history and main leaders
Iron Curtain
Hiroshima Bomb
Flag of Russia
World War I Films
Carnation Revolution
Human Rights
6 Films about Hitler, the dictator of Nazism
September 11:Attack on the Twin Towers
Queen Victoria
John Kennedy
Marshall Plan
fascism in italy
conflict in Kashmir
Decriminalization of Drugs
Cold War conflicts
Holy Alliance
ETA:all about the Basque separatist group
Man's Journey to the Moon
Antonio de Oliveira Salazar
What is outsourcing?
Vladimir Putin
Civil war
war in afghanistan
India independence
18th Brumaire Strike
Vietnam War
UN (United Nations)
Paris Agreement
Congress of Vienna (1814-1815)
Caste System in India
Salazarism in Portugal
12 movies about WWII
Berlin Wall:history and construction
Treaty of Versailles (1919)
Television History
New Deal
Bolsheviks and Mensheviks
Margaret Thatcher
Imperialism and Colonialism
Hippie Movement
Holocaust:what it was and how it happened
People's Spring
Chinese Revolution
Capitalist mode of production
The 70's
Revolt of the Sepoys
Treaty of Utrecht (1713)
Neo-Nazism:The Influence of Nazism Today
Napoleonic Wars
Economic Blocks
Questions about the First World War
Updates that may fall into Enem and Vestibular 2022
Phases of the Industrial Revolution
Questions about the Second World War
War in Syria
Crisis of 1929 (Great Depression)
English Industrial Revolution
Israel and Palestine Conflict
Consequences of the Second World War
Napoleonic Era
Internet history:who created it and when it came about
Causes of the Industrial Revolution
Historical Materialism
Chernobyl Accident
Cinema History
Main Characteristics of Totalitarianism
History's Greatest Dictators
Economic Blocks
Questions about the First World War
Phases of the Industrial Revolution
Questions about the Second World War
War in Syria
Crisis of 1929 (Great Depression)
English Industrial Revolution
Napoleonic Era
Causes of the Industrial Revolution
Prehistory (Abstract)
Agricultural Revolution
Neolithic Period or Polished Stone Age
Paleolithic Period or Chipped Stone Age
Man in Prehistory
Features of the Mesolithic Period
Stonehenge:history and mysteries of construction
Neanderthal Hombre
Ciudad de Ur
The Celts
The Roman Empire
Marathon Battle
Egyptian Culture or Ancient Egypt
The Barbarian Kingdoms
Eastern Roman Empire:Byzantine Empire
The Crusades
Arab Culture, Islam
United States Independence
Conquest of America
The Russian Empire
The French Revolution
Russian Revolution
The Industrial Revolution
Joan of Arc
Theories of human evolution
Neolithic Europe
The Cyclades
Çatal Hüyük
Beginnings of agriculture and livestock
Paleolithic in America
Paleolithic Art
Homo Sapiens
First men on Earth
Human migrations, human settlement
Early forms of human organization
Assyrian Empire
Medicine War II
First Medical War
Battle of Salamis
Persian Empire
Indian Culture
Ancient Athens
Hebrew Culture
Decline and Division of the Roman Empire
Second Intermediate Period Egypt
Middle Kingdom of Egypt
Egypt's First Intermediate Period
Old Kingdom or Memphite Egypt
Archaic or Tinite Period of Egypt
Protodynastic or Pretinite Period of Egypt
Peloponnesian War
Ionia War
Sicily Expedition
Archidamic War
Delos League
Peloponnesian League
Third Holy War
The political and social organization of Ancient Egypt
The Arameans
Cultural Manifestations in the New Kingdom of Egypt
Cultural Manifestations in the Middle Kingdom of Egypt
Cultural Manifestations in the Ancient Kingdom of Egypt
Third Punic War
Second Punic War
First Punic War
Egyptian Third Intermediate Period
Egyptian Late Period
New Kingdom of Egypt
Antigonid Dynasty
The Samnites
Alexander the Great
Succession of the Empire of Alexander the Great
Organization of the Empire of Alexander the Great
Mede or Middle Empire
Phoenician Religion
Phoenician expansion and colonization
Phoenician Alphabet
Alphabet Origin
Kingdom of Macedonia
Fourth Holy War
Laggid or Ptolemaic Dynasty
Chibcha or Muisca Culture
Government of Julius Caesar
Cicero's Government
Government of Pompey
Sila Government
Government of Gaius Marius
The Etruscans
The Etruscan religion
Seleucid Dynasty
The city of Pompeii
The Nomads of the Steppes
Hittite Empire
The Ancient Nubians
The Palace of Knossos
The Akkadian Empire
The Battle of Alesia
The Battle of Cannae
The Battle of Gaugamela
The Battle of Adrianople
The Phoenician Culture
Ancient Japan
The Sumerians
Ancient Mesopotamia
The Indus Civilization
Cultures of Northwestern North America
Qin Shi Huang's Terracotta Warriors
The Tomb of Tutankhamun
Cultures of Southeast Asia
Babylonian Empire
Chinese Culture
Ancient Polynesians
The Corinthian War
The Anglo-Saxon peoples
Age of Pericles
Greek Culture
Roman Culture
The Roman Republic
The Roman Monarchy
Assyrian Chaldean Culture:Mesopotamia
The Mycenaean Civilization
The Minoan or Cretan Civilization
The Aegean Civilization
Middle Ages
Asian Empires in the Middle Ages
Strengthening the English Monarchy
100 Years War
Fourteenth Century Crisis
Agriculture in the Middle Ages
The Church in the Middle Ages
Fall of Constantinople
9th and 10th Century Invasions
Holy Roman Empire
The Mongol Empire
Carolingian Empire
The Vikings
Battle of Tours Poitiers
Battle of Tannenberg or Grunwald
The Battle of Hattin
The Battle of Agincourt
The Battle of Constantinople
Battle of Hastings
Urban Life in the Middle Ages
Commerce in the Middle Ages
Anglo-Saxon Kingdom
Against Reform
30 Years War
Spanish Renaissance
Italian Renaissance
Great Inventions
Great Geographical Discoveries
Constitutional monarchy in England
Agriculture in Colonial America
East in the Modern Age
Polish casts
Austro-Hungarian Empire
Failure of Absolutism in England
New European States
Heyday of Absolutism in France
French Absolutism
Conquest of Argentina
Manufactures in Colonial America
Conquest of Chile
Conquest of Brazil
Colonization of Brazil
French Colonization in America
Anglo-Saxon Colonization in America
Silver mining in Colonial America
Foreign Trade in Colonial America
Religious Orders and Reductions in Colonial America
Secular Clergy in Colonial America
Foreign Smuggling in Colonial America
The Battle of Lützen
The Battle of Blenheim
The Battle of Saratoga
Internal Trade in Colonial America
Export of precious metals in Colonial America
Political Structure of Colonial America
The Inquisition in America
Evangelization and Religious Education in Colonial America
End of the Spanish Empire in America
Socioeconomic Structure of Colonial America
Cattle ranching in Colonial America
Uprisings and changes in America
End of the Spanish Empire in America
Italian Unification
Belle Époque
The Illustration
Revolution of 1848
Revolution of 1830
Discovery of America
British Empire
Japan Opening
China Opening
Independence of Latin America
Empire of Brazil
The Civil War
German Empire
German Unification
Franco-Prussian War
The Battle of the Somme
Battle of Stalingrad
The Battle of Normandy
The Cuban Revolution
Independence of Haiti
Cuban Independence
Independence of Colombia
Independence of Bolivia
Independence of the Dominican Republic
Independence of Uruguay
Independence of Chile
Independence of Argentina
The Korean War
The Great Depression:Crash of 29
The Battle of Trafalgar
The Battle of Waterloo
The Battle of Austerlitz
The Tet Offensive
The Battle of Verdun
The Battle of Midway
The Battle of Britain
The Battle of Gettysburg
The Battle of Antietam
Republican Stage of the French Revolution
Monarchical Stage of the French Revolution
Imperial Stage of the French Revolution
World War I
The strike on May 1:Labor Day
The Vietnam War
The Independence of India
The Chinese Revolution
José Fernando de Abascal y Sousa
Xavier Abril
Martín Adán
Gabriel Aguilar Narvarte
Elías Aguirre Romero
Juana Alarco de Dammert
José Bernardo Alcedo
Ciro Alegría Bazán
Diego de Almagro
Guillermo Almenara
Daniel Alomía Robles
Walter Alva
Manuel de Amat and Junyent
Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo
José María Arguedas
José de Armendáriz
Pedro Pablo Atusparia
Gabriel de Avilés y del Fierro
Nicolás Ayllón
Michel Azcueta
Jose Baquijano y Carrillo
Jorge Basadre
Micaela Bastidas
Oscar R. Benavides
Diego Benavides and de la Cueva
William Billinghurst
Simón Bolívar
Francisco Bolognesi
Francisco de Borja y Aragón
Mercedes Carbonera Hair
Andrés Avelino Cáceres
Cesar Canevaro Valega
Cápac Yupanqui
Carmine Nicola Caracciolo
Augusto Cardich Loarte
Daniel Alcides Carrión
Meliton Carvajal
Ramón Castilla
Jorge Chavez
José Santos Chocano
Pedro Cieza de León
Sarita Colonia
Theodore Francis de Croix
Baltasar de la Cueva Enríquez
José Rufino Echenique
Diego Fernández de Córdoba
Pancho Fierro
José Gálvez
Agustín Gamarra
Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
Francisco Gil de Taboada
Manuel González Prada
Miguel Grau
José Manuel de Guirior
Sérvulo Gutiérrez
Cayetano Heredia
Huayna Capac
Huiracocha or Wiracocha
Juan Manuel de Mendoza y Luna
Inca Rock
Agustin de Jáuregui and Aldecoa
Diego Ladrón de Guevara
José de La Mar
Augusto Leguía
Melchor de Liñán y Cisneros
Lloque Yupanqui
Enrique López Albújar
Eduardo López de Romaña
Diego López de Zúñiga y Velasco
Manco Inca
Clorinda Matto de Turner
Mariano Melgar Valdivieso
José Antonio de Mendoza Caamaño
Antonio de Mendoza and Pacheco
Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo
Remigio Morales Bermúdez
Blasco Núñez Vela
Manuel A. Odría
José Olaya
Francisco de Orellana
Cusi Yupanqui:Pachacutec
Ricardo Palma
Maria Parado de Bellido
Felipe Pardo and Aliaga
Manuel Pardo and Lavalle
Petit Thouars
Juan Antonio Pezet
Joaquin de la Pezuela and Sanchez
Nicolás de Piérola
Felipe Guamán Poma de Ayala
Saint Martin de Porres
Leoncio Prado
Mariano Ignacio Prado
Javier Prado and Ugarteche
Manuel Prado and Ugarteche
Mateo Pumacahua
José Abelardo Quiñones
Antonio Raimondi
Maria Reiche
Julio Ramón Ribeyro
José Mariano de la Riva Agüero
Saint Rose of Lima
Felipe Santiago Salaverry
José de San Martín
José Faustino Sánchez Carrión
Andres de Santa Cruz
Saravia Melchorite
Sayri Túpac
Manuel Ascencio Segura
José de la Serna
Sinchi Roca
Garcia Sarmiento de Sotomayor
Antonio José de Sucre
José Bernardo de Tagle y Portocarrero
Julio César Tello
Francisco de Toledo
Pedro de Toledo y Leyva
José de la Torre Ugarte
Flora Tristan
Túpac Amaru II or José Gabriel Condorcanqui
Tupac Inca Yupanqui
Túpac Katari or Julián Apaza
Alfonso Ugarte
Hipólito Unanue and Pavón
Abraham Valdelomar
Cesar Vallejo
Mario Vargas Llosa
Luis de Velasco
Federico Villarreal
Juan Pablo Viscardo y Guzmán
Yahuar Huaca
Gaspar Zúñiga and Acevedo
मूर्तिकला, चित्रकला, संगीत और नृत्य - भारतीय इतिहास
मुगल काल से जुडी विस्तृत जानकरी
विजय नगर साम्राज्य से जुडी जानकरी
भारत का स्वतंत्रता आंदोलन
Social and Religious Reform Movement
Religion – Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, Islam, Christianity and other religions
Language and Literature – Indian History
Revolt of 1857
Arrival of European trading companies in India and English hegemony
States of the South – Vijayanagara, Bahmani Kingdom, Mughal and Maratha Empire
आधुनिक भारत से जुडी जानकरी और यूरोपीय कंपनियों के स्थापना वर्ष
तुगलक वंश से जुडी जानकारी
भारत में धार्मिक-सामाजिक सुधार आंदोलन
National Movements in India
Bahmani kingdom
दिल्ली सल्तनत से जुडी महत्वपूर्ण जानकारी
मौर्योत्तर काल के बारे में जानकारी
गुप्तोतर काल के बारे में जानकारी
क्षेत्रीय राजवंश – बंगाल के वंश
गुप्त साम्राज्य से जुडी जानकारी
चोल साम्राज्य से जुडी पूर्ण जानकारी
Full information about Rajput period
Detailed information about South Indian dynasty
Medieval India – Sultanate period, Mughals and Marathas
Full information about the provincial dynasty
Detailed information about the Maratha Empire
बौद्ध धर्म और महात्मा बुद्ध से जुडी जानकारी
प्राचीन भारत के एतिहासिक स्रोत
प्राक इतिहास काल
वैदिक संस्कृति के बारे में विस्तृत जानकारी
सिन्धु घाटी से जुडी जानकारी
उत्तर वैदिक काल से जुडी महत्वपूर्ण जानकारी
जैन धर्म और महावीर स्वामी से जुडी जानकारी
महाजनपद काल के वंश और उनकी राजधानियाँ
Complete information about Magadha Empire
Details of Mauryan Empire
History of Sher Shah (1472-1545 AD)
History of the Battle of Ghagra (1532 AD)
Battle of Bilgram – History of Bihar
History of Gupta Dynasty
कुषाण वंश का इतिहास
कण्व वंश (72-27 ई. पु.) का इतिहास
History of Shunga Dynasty (circa 184-72 BC)
Causes of the decline of the Maurya Empire
Facts related to prehistoric Bihar – Bihar GK
World War II
History of the Karnat dynasty
नंद वंश (344-321 ई. पु.) का इतिहास
मौर्य वंश (321-184 ई० पु०) का इतिहास
कलिंग युद्ध का इतिहास
History of Ashoka (273-232 BC)
History of Bindusar (298 -273 BC)
Ashok's inscriptions
बिहार में तुर्क शासन – बिहार इतिहास
बिहार में अफगान शक्ति – बिहार का इतिहास
मध्यकालीन बिहार के कुछ प्रमुख अभिलेख
ब्रिटिश सत्ता को चुनौती देने वाले विद्रोह
नील विद्रोह का इतिहास
वहावी आंदोलन का इतिहास
British control over the criminal administration
History of Battle of Buxar
Modern Bihar – Bihar History
Arrival of European traders in Bihar
Bihar during Mughal rule – History of Bihar
Pal Age Bihar – Early Medieval Bihar
History of the Pala Dynasty
History of Safahod Movement
ताना भगत आंदोलन का इतिहास
1857 के पूर्व बिहार में आंदोलन एवं विद्रोह
कोल विद्रोह (1831- 32 ई.) का इतिहास
हो विद्रोह (1820-21 ई.) का इतिहास
चेरो विद्रोह (1800-02 ई.) का इतिहास
तमार विद्रोह (1789-1794 ई.) का इतिहास
गोलघर का निर्माण
लोटा विद्रोह (1856 ई.) का इतिहास
नोनिया विद्रोह (1770-1800 ई.) का इतिहास
History of the Khilafat Movement
History of Labor Movement
History of Peasant Movement
History of Champaran Satyagraha
History of the Home Rule Movement
History of the Revolt of 1857
History of the Santhal Rebellion (1855- 56 AD)
History of Bhumij Rebellion (1832- 33 AD)
Sardari battle and Munda rebellion (1858–95 AD, 1895–1901 AD)
Birsa's Ulgulan Rebellion
Begusarai massacre (1931 AD)
Brahiya Taal/Bakasht Movement
Martyrs of Patna Secretariat Firing (August 11, 1942)
स्वतंत्रता प्राप्ति का इतिहास
History of Nakhaspind Movement
History of the Civil Disobedience Movement
History of Bihar Socialist Party
Simon Commission boycott
History of Swaraj Dal
History of Non-Cooperation Movement
Prominent foreign travelers visiting Bihar
बिहार History से जुड़े सवाल और उनके जवाब
बिहार में धर्म एवं सुधार आंदोलन
Contribution of litterateurs of Bihar in the freedom movement
Contribution of women of Bihar in freedom movement
Contribution of farmers of Bihar in the freedom movement
Contribution of students of Bihar in freedom movement
Congress session held in pre-independence Bihar
History of Nangi Strike (1930 AD)
Chowkidari Kar Bandi Movement (1930 AD)
Uttar Pradesh Beginning of Gandhi Era and Swarajist
Birth of Uttar Pradesh Muslim League, Congress Committee and League Agreement
The birth of nationalism in UP due to the revolution of 1857
Uttar Pradesh Revolution of 1857
History of Uttar Pradesh Modern Period
Uttar Pradesh Medieval History Practice Questions
History of Medieval Uttar Pradesh
Who was the Viceroy of India at the time of independence?
Major princely states of Bihar
Contact and trade with foreign countries in Bihar history
When was the Bihar Congress Socialist Party formed?
Natural Formation of Uttar Pradesh
Questions and answers related to the history of Uttar Pradesh
Sessions of the Indian National Congress
The famous war in Uttar Pradesh
Provincial Cabinet of Uttar Pradesh 1937
कांग्रेस सोशलिस्ट पार्टी
नमक आंदोलन
साम्यवादी दल, सैन्यवादी राष्ट्रवादी और संयुक्त प्रांत
Simon Commission and Nehru Report
Umaid Bhawan Palace is located in which city?
Who prepared the initial draft of the Indian Constitution in February 1948?
Name the first Hindi language newspaper of India, which was first published on 30 May 1826.
In which city did the Sepoy Mutiny of 1857 War of Independence take place?
Who was actually the first Governor-General of India from the year 1773 to 1785?
Revolts and Movements in Jharkhand
History of Jharkhand
Contribution of Madhya Pradesh in freedom struggle
Who started the Swabhiman movement?
Who abolished slavery?
Regional state questions in modern history
Questions and answers related to Maratha Empire
Questions and answers related to European companies
Questions and answers related to Maratha Empire
Sher Shah questions and answers
Important questions and answers related to the Mughal period
Historical National Movement of Himachal Pradesh
Himachal Pradesh Historical Philosophy
Important dates in the history of Chhattisgarh
What were the provinces of Delhi Sultanate called?
Wars fought by Humayun - History Trick
Major wars fought by Babur - History Tricks
Dynasties and Founders of Magadha Empire – History Trick English
Ruler and Tomb of the Mughal Emperor – History Trick English
Delhi Sultanate's Succession – History Tricks English
Haryana G.K | Date of creation of Haryana districts
Some questions and answers related to ancient history
Freedom Crazy
Vadya Yantra- Instruments used in India
हरियाणा राज्य का इतिहास और प्रशासनिक ढांचा
When was the ban on the murder of the girl child?
When and who established the Calcutta Medical College?
Which governor general's term is considered for education reforms?
When did the military mutiny in Barrackpore begin?
Tancy Act or Tenancy Act came into force?
Who founded the Fort William College in Calcutta?
Which Englishman is called the father of the administrative service?
In whose reign 'Board of Revenue' was established?
The boundary between India and Pakistan was demarcated?
Names of five states won by Harsh Vardhan – History Trick English
Indus civilization belongs to which era?
Dockyard was found from which Harappan site?
Which site of the Harappan Civilization has found a huge bath?
Harappa is situated on the bank of which river?
Who is called the father of Lok Adalat?
For which Egyptian ruler was the Great Pyramid of Giza built?
Which governor did the practice of human sacrifice end?
Who is the leader of the Chipko movement?
Who established the 'Reward Commission'?
Who is called the 'Liberator of the Indian Press'?
Which was the first war fought in the Vedic period?
How many mandalas, hymns and mantras are there in Rigveda?
Which Veda is lyrical?
Which Veda is in both prose and verse?
Which is the latest Veda?
Which is the oldest Veda?
The people of Indus civilization worshiped someone?
What type of script was the Indus civilization?
From which site has the bronze statue of the dancer been found?
The inhabitants of the Indus Civilization were unfamiliar with which animal?
Which of the following presidency cities were established in British India?
Which was the earliest language used by the Mesopotamians?
In which year was the first Lok Sabha election held in Himachal Pradesh?
The Battle of Tongbi in 1944 was fought near which city, which is also today the capital of an Indian state?
What is the latest memory?
What is the oldest memory?
How many Upanishads are there?
How many Puranas are there?
What is called the fifth Veda?
Who was the builder of Vedic civilization?
Indian History Question Answer
Who founded the Azad Hind Fauj?
History Important Question English
History Answers
भारत में सामाजिक व धार्मिक सुधार आंदोलन
Viceroy of India
Governor General of India
Governor General of Bengal
When and where
भारतीय इतिहास से जुड़े 20 प्रश्नों के उत्तर जो SSC एग्जाम में पूछे गए – Part 1
गुप्त साम्राज्य से जुड़े सवाल
Sangam period
Post-Maurya period
Mauryan Questions
Some questions related to Alexander
Mahajanapada period
Religious Movement
Vedic Culture
Harappan/Indus Civilization
भारतीय इतिहास से जुड़े प्रश्न
बहमनी राज्य से जुड़े सवाल
Vijayanagara Empire
Prominent philosopher promoter
Sultanate Period Questions
Solanki dynasty or Chalukya rulers of Gujarat
Rajput dynasty
Questions on Medieval India
Prominent Dynasties of South India
गुप्तोत्तर काल
Frontline Dynasty
Governor General of Bengal
English and Mysore
English and Sikh
बंगाल पर अंग्रेजों का आधिपत्य
भारत में यूरोपियों का आगमन
Questions on Medieval India
Maratha Empire
Mughal Empire
Religious movements of the 15th and 16th centuries
Independent Provincial State
महापुरुषों के समाधि स्थल
इतिहास से जुड़े विविध तथ्य
India's Freedom Struggle
भारत के महापुरुषों के उपनाम
Caste, Peasant and Labor Movement
Social and religious movements of the 19th and 20th centuries
Revolution of 1857
British Viceroy
Governor General of India
Indian History Mock Test Online
Chinese Revolution
Prominent Governor Generals and their achievements
Samvats of Indian History
Indian Major Dynasties and Their Founders
प्रसिद्ध भारतीय पुस्तकें, पत्र व पत्रिकाएँ
The historical war was fought between whom?
Major Movements and Events Related to Indian National Movement
Organizations and Institutions
Historic Battles of India
Words and slogans of great men
जापानी साम्राज्यवाद
Nazism in Germany
Republic in Turkey
World War I
Revolution in England
Unification of Germany
Unification of Italy
French Revolution – When and Why
पुनर्जागरण से जुड़े सवाल और उनके जवाब
America's War of Independence
Questions and answers related to the Revolt of 1857
Important information related to Indus Valley Civilization (Harappan)
Important Question Answer of Indian History
Sources of Indian History – Sources Indian History in Hindi
Paleolithic and Paleolithic parts
Fascist in Italy
World Industrial Revolution
Russian Revolution Questions and Answers
Development of the Constitution
विश्व की घटनाएँ एवं वर्ष
खिलजी वंश (1290-1320 ई.)
दिल्ली सल्तनत- गुलाम वंश (1206-1290 ई.)
भारत पर मुस्लिम आक्रमण
बिहार सामान्य ज्ञान प्रश्न और उत्तर
Jainism and Buddhism Questions and Answers
Questions on Major Dynasties of Ancient India
Important questions and answers from history
National Movement Questions and Answers
Arrival of Europeans in India
Governor General and Viceroy Questions and Answers
Bhakti and Sufi Movement
Lodi dynasty (1451-1526 AD)
Sayid dynasty (1414-1451 AD)
Guptottara dynasty and Pushyabhuti dynasty
मौर्य साम्राज्य
गुप्त साम्राज्य
मगध साम्राज्य
धार्मिक आंदोलन
वैदिक काल क्या है और वैदिक काल के भाग
तुगलक वंश (1320-1413 ई.)
Palas of Bengal, 800-1200 AD
Kadamba Dynasty of Banavasi (345-540 AD)
Political History of Rashtrakuta Dynasty
Fall of Rashtrakuta Dynasty:Khotig, Karka II and Indra IV (Fall of Rashtrakuta Dynasty:Khotig, Karka II and Indra IV)
Rashtrakuta Ruler Krishna III (Rashtrakuta Ruler Krishna III, 939-967 AD)
राष्ट्रकूट शासक अमोघवर्ष द्वितीय, गोविंद चतुर्थ और अमोघवर्ष तृतीय (Rashtrakuta Rulers Amoghavarsha II, Govind IV and Amoghavarsha III, 929-939 AD)
Rashtrakuta Ruler Indra III (Rashtrakuta Ruler Indra III, 914-929 AD)
Rashtrakuta Ruler Krishna II (Rashtrakuta Ruler Krishna II, 880-914 AD)
भारत में प्रागैतिहासिक संस्कृतियाँ :पुरापाषाण काल (Prehistoric Cultures in India :The Paleolithic Period)
Geographical Introduction of India
ई.पू. छठी शताब्दी में बौद्धिक आंदोलन (Intellectual Movement in the Sixth Century BC)
Post-Vedic Culture 1000–500 BC
ऋग्वैदिक संस्कृति (Rigvedic Culture)
Iron-user Cultures
Copper-Stone Cattle Cultivator Cultures
Art and Religious Life in Indus Valley Civilization
The Main Elements of the Indus Valley Civilization
Indus Valley Civilization
Prehistoric Cultures in India :The Mesolithic Period and the Neolithic Period
Jain Ethics
Mauryan Dynasty:Historical Sources and Origins
Rise of Magadha:Contribution of Haryanka, Shishunag and Nanda Dynasty
Republics in Ancient India
India in the Sixth Century BCE:Sixteen Mahajanapadas (India in the Sixth Century BCE:Sixteen Mahajanapadas)
Major Sects of Buddhism and Buddhist Musics
Teachings of Gautam Buddha
Buddhism and Gautama Buddha
Jainism and Lord Mahavira
The Successors of Ashoka and the Fall of the Maurya Empire
Ashoka's Administrative Reforms
Mauryan Emperor Ashoka the Great
Chandragupta Maurya's Administration
Mauryan Emperor Bindusara (BC 298- BC 273)
Iranian and Greek Invasions of India :( Iranian and Greek Invasions of India)
Maurya Emperor Chandragupta Maurya
जैन परंपरा में लोक और ईश्वर (Folk and God in Jain Tradition)
Epistemology in Jain Philosophy
Mauryan Economy and Spread of Material Culture
कुषाण राजवंश का इतिहास और कनिष्क महान (The History of Kushan Dynasty and Kanishka the Great)
Shaka (Scythian) and Parthian Rule in India (Shaka (Scythian) and Parthian Rule in India)
कलिंग का महामेघवाहन वंश और खारवेल (Mahameghavahana Dynasty of Kalinga and Kharavela)
Andhra-Satavahana Dynasty and Gautamiputra Satakarni
भारत में हिंद-यवन शासन (Indo-Greek Rule in India)
Shunga Dynasty :Pushyamitra Shunga
सम्राट अशोक महान् का मूल्यांकन (Evaluation of Emperor Ashoka the Great)
Sangam Age:Political, Socio-economical and Cultural Life
Sources of Ancient Indian History
The Early Place of the Guptas and the Early Gupta Ruler
Antiquity and Origin of the Guptas
Historical Sources of Emperor Gupta Dynasty
Political Condition of India in Pre-Gupta Period
Vakataka Dynasty
Post-Mauryan Society, Religious Life, Artistic and Literary Development
Post-Mauryan Polity and Economic Life
Mauryan Social, Religious and Cultural Life
Religion and Religious Life in Gupta Period
Social Life in Gupta Period
Gupta Administration and Economic Life
Later Gupta Emperors and the End of the Gupta Dynasty
Skandagupta 'Kramaditya'
Kumaragupta I 'Mahendraditya' (Kumaragupta I 'Mahendraditya')
Chandragupta II 'Vikramaditya'
Historicity of Ramgupta
Samudragupta ‘Parakramank’ (Samudragupta Prakramank’)
Travel details of Chinese traveler Fahien
Maukhari Dynasty
उत्तरगुप्त राजवंश (कृष्णगुप्त राजवंश) ( Post-Gupta Dynasty, Krishnagupta Dynasty)
Aulikar Dynasty of Malwa and Yashodharman
Vallabhi's Maitrak
भारत में हूण सत्ता का उत्थान-पतन (Rise and Fall of Hun Power in India)
Evaluation of Gupta Age
गुप्तकालीन साहित्यिक एवं वैज्ञानिक प्रगति (Literary and Scientific Progress in Gupta Period)
गुप्तकालीन कला और स्थापत्य (Gupta Art and Architecture)
Vengi's (Eastern) Chalukya Dynasty
Chalukya Dynasty of Kalyani or Western Chalukya Part-4
Chalukya Dynasty of Kalyani or Western Chalukya Part-3
Chalukya Dynasty of Kalyani or Western Chalukya Part-2
Chalukya Dynasty of Kalyani or Western Chalukya Part-1
Chalukya of Vatapi After Pulakeshin II
Pulakeshin II, 610-642 AD (Pulakeshin II, 610-642 AD)
Chalukya Dynasty of Badami:Early Rulers
Chalukya Dynasty
Rashtrakuta Ruler Sharva 'Amoghvarsha' I ((Rashtrakuta Ruler Sharva 'Amoghvarsha' I, 814-878 AD)
Rashtrakuta Ruler Govind III (Rashtrakuta Ruler Govind III, 793-814 AD)
Rashtrakuta Ruler Dhruva 'Dharavarsha' (Rashtrakuta Ruler Dhruva 'Dharavarsha', 780-793 AD)
Rashtrakuta Ruler Krishna I (Rashtrakuta Ruler Krishna I, 756-774 AD)
Rashtrakuta Ruler Dantidurga (Rashtrakuta Ruler Dantidurga, 735-756 AD)
Gurjara Pratihara Dynasty
Chandelas of Jejakabhukti
Parmar Dynasty
Chaulukya or Solanki Dynasty of Gujarat
Sen Dynasty of Bengal
Sen Dynasty of Bengal
Era of Expansion of Delhi Sultanate :Khilji Dynasty 1290-1320 AD (Age of expansion of Delhi Sultanate :Khilji Dynasty 1290-1320 A.D.)
Delhi Sultanate:Slave Dynasty 1206-1290 A.D.
Nasiruddin Muhammad Humayun
Political Condition of India at the Time of Babur's Invasion
Muhammad Ghori's Invasions:The foundation of Turk Power in India
Turk Invasion of India:Mahmud Ghaznavi (Turk Invasion of India:Mahmud Ghaznavi)
War of Succession Among Shah Jahan's sons
Delhi Sultanate:Sayyid and Lodi Dynasty, 1414-1450 AD (Delhi Sultanate:Syed and Lodi Dynasty, 1414-1450 AD)
Rise of Marathas and Kshatrapati Shivaji
Invasion of Taimur, 1398 AD
Tughlaq Dynasty 1320-1412 AD
Delhi Sultanate:Slave Dynasty 1206-1290 A.D.
Bahmani Kingdom
Vijayanagara Empire:Administration, Economy, Social and Cultural Development
Rise and Fall of Vijayanagara Empire
Nur Jahan:Her Influence on Mughal Politics
Administrative System of Delhi Sultanate
Sher Shah's Administration
Sher Shah Suri and Sur Empire
Zaheeruddin Muhammad Babar
Pitt's India Act of 1784
Robert Clive and Diarchy in Bengal
बंगाल में अंग्रेजी शक्ति की स्थापना (Establishment of English Power in Bengal)
Later Mughal Emperors and Rise and Fall of Syed brothers
Anglo-French Rivalry in Karnataka
India in the Eighteenth Century
Government of India Act of 1919 (Montague-Chelmsford Reforms) Government of India Act of 1919 (Montague-Chelmsford Reforms)
Indian Council Act of 1909 :Marley-Minto Reform (Indian Council Act of 1909 :Marley-Minto Reform)
Reforms of Lord Cornwallis, 1786–1793
Reforms and Policies of Warren Hastings
The Rise of Sikh Power :Maharaja Ranjit Singh
Nadir Shah's Invasion
Indian Administration-Reform Act of 1858
Indian Council Act of 1892
Indian Council Act of 1861
Charter Act of 1813
Charter Act of 1793
Simon Commission and Nehru Report
Lord Hastings:Policies and Reforms
Lord Wellesley and Subsidiary Treaty System
Indian Renaissance in the Nineteenth Century
Regulating Act of 1773 and Amended Act of 1781
Tipu Sultan and the Anglo-Mysore Wars
हैदरअली और आंग्ल-मैसूर संबंध (Hyder Ali and Anglo-Mysore Relations)
Anglo-Sikh War and Conquest of Punjab
British Afghan Policy:From Lawrence to Ripon (British Afghan Policy:From Lawrence to Ripon)
Lord Lytton (Lord Lytton, 1876-1880)
लॉर्ड रिपन (Lord Ripon, 1880-1884)
The merger of Sindh (Annexation of Sindh)
Lord Auckland (Lord Auckland, 1836-1842)
Lord William Bentinck
Charter Act of 1833
The Charter Act of 1853 and the Government of India Act of 1854 (Charter Act of 1853 and Government of India Act of 1854)
Anglo-Sikh War and Conquest of Punjab
British Afghan Policy:From Lawrence to Ripon
Lord Lytton, 1876-1880
Lord Ripon, 1880-1884
Annexation of Sindh
Lord William Bentinck
Charter Act of 1833
The Charter Act of 1853 and the Government of India Act of 1854 (Charter Act of 1853 and Government of India Act of 1854)
Rise of National States in Europe
Counter-Reformation Movement in Europe
The Reformation Movement in Europe
Renaissance in Europe
Modernization of Russia:Peter the Great and Catherine II
The Climax Period of France:The Era of Louis XIV
The Rise of France:Cardinal Richelieu and Mazarin
War of Crimea 1853–1856 AD (War of Crimea 1853–1856 AD)
Napoleon Bonaparte
Paris Peace Conference and Treaty of Versailles
World War I:Causes and Consequences
Thirty Year War in European History 1618-1648 AD
The Rise of Spain:Charles V and Philip II
Establishment and Failure of Weimar Republic in Germany
The Search of Peace and Security
Unification of Italy
Napoleon III:Achievements and Evaluation
Revolutions of 1848 AD
Great Hero of the Reactionary Era:Metternich
French Revolution of 1830 (July Revolution)
Concert of Europe
Vienna Congress
Reform Movements in Russia
Archaic Regime of France ( Ancien Regime or Old Regime of France)
France:From 1715 to the Revolution of 1789 AD (France:From 1715 to the Revolution of 1789 AD)
Industrial Revolution
Austria and Habsburg Dynasty
Rise of Prussia and Frederick the Great
World War II :Causes, Starts, Extensions and Consequences (World War II :Causes, Starts, Extensions and Results)
League of Nations:Organization, Achievements and Failures
Unification of Germany
पुनर्जागरण | Renaissance
चीनी क्रांति | Chinese revolution
America's War of Independence part 2 | America's War of Independence
America's War of Independence part 1 | America's War of Independence
French Revolution | French Revolution
औद्योगिक क्रांति | industrial Revolution
द्वितीय विश्वयुद्ध | second World War
Rise of the Fascists in Italy | The Rise of the Fascists in Italy
World War I | First world war
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